When I read Skrælings my mind went to the Crusader Kings 2 dlc ‘Sunset Invasion’, an alternate history dlc, in which an organised and much larger Aztec Empire (whom has subdued and collects fealty from the N American ‘tribes’) clashes with the initial Norse settlers, culminating in the capture of one of their longships. Following this the Skrælings reverse engineer the technology for craft capable of traversing the ocean and eventually launch their own bloody mass invasion of Europe. Fantastical but very entertaining. I’d imagined a slightly more fantasy kind of setting with monsters, myths and all kinds of natives - both savage and otherwise, or at least something less inclined to realism. Either way it will definitely be very interesting to see how this goes with a more historical side of things and what kind of content and plot you settle on. I’ve tried to have a read up on actual ‘Skrælings‘ to get a better more accurate understanding (I’ve got very little real clue as to the ‘culture’ of these folks) So this RP will be mostly about the interactions and eventual relationship of our settlers and the proto-Inuit folks of Vinland and surrounding area?