[quote=@PPQ Purple] Because they did their job of locking me and a bunch of other people in a room with the explicit order that none of us are getting out before each has at least one friend good enough that I don't have to remember them. [/quote] But They don't want you to get out they want you to keep playing and spending money on it I literally cannot fathom this perspective of yours. Even the original Everquest in all its archaïc glory was built to be a fun game for a certain crowd of people. The devs behind Everquest didn't want you to quit and not play their game. And that is one of those MMO's that, as you put it, "locks you into a room until you've grinded 300 tigers" Fucking Final Fantasy 11 is the epitome of a game that forced(/forces) its community to come together to achieve anything and while people loved that at the time of its release, they took every wrong lesson from it for FFXIV 1.0 and that game did so bad it nearly caused a goddamn financial crisis at SE. If a good MMO, by your definition, is forgettable and retains no players then PPQ, mate, I'd rather go play the bad ones.