[h1]RPGC#4 - Lies[/h1] [i]The full list of runner-ups, staff picks, special category winners and honourable mentions can be found [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2966920]here[/url].[/i] [h2]Winning entry: The Mirror Boy, by [@Alice][/h2] "I still have friends," Tina whispered, her long tangled hair cascaded over her thin shoulders. She looked at the mirror across her room. It was attached to her dresser and just like the mirror in her bathroom, it was covered with black tape. Tina did not want to see herself. "Do I still matter?" There was a boy in the mirror that she could not see with her eyes, but knew everything he did, as if they had a mystical connection. The mirror boy nodded at her question, causing a crooked smile to break out on her pale face. "You always agree with me, don't you?" She pulled her knees up to her chest and giggled, the sound empty and haunted. "You'll be with me to the end, won't you?" The mirror boy nodded again. Tina glanced at the mirror and at the tape; she blinked a couple times, slightly frowning, something nagging at the back of her mind, but she ignored the feeling. She stood up and walked toward the mirror, reaching out as if to touch the tape, but pulled back at the last minute. If the tape was removed, her fantasy would be shattered. She would only see a small little girl staring back and not the friend she thought was there. The friend was a nice looking boy, around sixteen or so. He was quiet and he never talked, always nodded and agreed. They were in love. It was the perfect relationship. The boy went everywhere with her. He was always there by her heart. "Do you love me?" She asked. Nod. "Do you want to marry me?" Nod. "Do you think I'm pretty?" She got two nods that time, and she could not help but blush. "You shouldn't tease me, it makes me feel all flustered inside." Tina twisted blonde strands of hair between her fingers as she glanced toward where the boy would be standing behind the tape. The boy was smiling now and starting to really tease her. "I mean it, don't tease me!" She did not like being teased. The boy's smile grew. "Is there a reason for this?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Can't we ever have a normal conversation?" Tina was only fourteen and not quite ready for the next step in their relationship, though they were in love and going steady. Why did he insist on teasing her? The mirror boy's smile faded. "So you're sorry now?" Tina asked. Nod. "Will you kiss and make up?" She leaned forward and turned her head, offering her check. Her eyes closed and she smiled slightly. The boy in the mirror smiled back and Tina was sure she felt his lips brush her cheek. He was real to Tina. When everything in the world faded, the mirror boy stayed with her. He laughed at her jokes, and cried when she cried. It was always sad to Tina how she could never see the mirror boy with her eyes and the image she saw in her head was always in shadows. The tape always made him dark, almost impossible to make out, but it had to be there; it had to be on every mirror. She had long forgotten why, nor did she care. Sitting back down on her bed, away from the mirror boy, she put her face in her hands. She felt cold and sad all the time though. A tear fell down her cheek and she started to shiver. She wanted the mirror boy to hold her, but never could she feel his arms around her. Tina curled up into a ball and started to cry; she cried for what felt like forever. "Please don't cry," whispered a voice. She looked up and smiled. "You're here?" She said in surprise. A boy stood next to her, probably sixteen years old. He looked like her best friend that she lost so many years ago in car wreck. She had been the only survivor in the car. Ever since that day, Tina had felt herself go insane with grief. The mirror boy had took his place and over the years she fell in love with him. "I came." The boy smiled. "I got you a present." Tina wiped at her tearing eyes. "Me?" "Yes, close your eyes." She happily closed her eyes, waiting and waiting and waiting for her present. Her forehead wrinkled after a long while of waiting. Nothing was happening. "Um, can I open my eyes, please?" There was no answer. Finally she just had to open them. The boy was nowhere to be seen. "Where did you go?" She cried, jumping up and frantically looking all around. The door to her room was locked and could only be opened from the outside. How had he got in and where could he have gone? Tina checked the tiny bathroom attached to her bedroom. There was no sign of him. Just the sink, toilet and mirror covered in black tape. "Oh, don't go! Please!" Her tears came back and she cried more than she had since the accident. "Mirror boy!" She screamed. Was he gone too? She ran to the mirror, her eyes wild with fear. She sighed in relief, starting to calm down. He was still there and giving her a concerned look. "Don't worry, I'm okay," She told the mirror boy. She walked over to her bedroom door and looked out the tiny window that showed a long hallway of many doors just like hers. Tina tilted her head to the side, confused for a moment, but then she remembered the mirror boy. "I'm fine. You're with me."