[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/494317685505523714/795758278285983744/broken_arm.jpg[/img] [h3][color=fff79a]Kasugano Sakura[/color][/h3] Level 3: 20/30 Location: The Blue Sea. Word Count: 1,115 Points Gained: 2, -1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 21/30 [/center] As the light took effect, Sakura winced, not knowing what to expect. The wince faded into wonder as unknown side effects of the Friend Heart began to take shape. It is a fortunate thing that the Water Princess turned out so friendly, because Sakura's defenses as her jaw dropped in wonder at the startlingly beautiful display. The missing arm grew right back, the color returned to the Water Princess. The most shocking thing was the look in the Seaplane Tender's face. She looked...really nice. Sakura said nothing. Numbly she rose to her feet as the Water Princess looked over her and began asking for help on her behalf. Because she was worried about Sakura, all of a sudden. Both pairs of Sakura's ears were still ringing from the detonation this very woman had just placed upon her! Now they were friends! [color=fff79a][i](Sugoi!) [/i][/color] [color=fff79a]"W...wow. H-hey! Y-yeah, that's the, uh, the Atomos. My friends are up there. My name is...Sakura, by the way...? M-man. I didn't think it w-would work th-[i]that[/i] well."[/color] She said, eyes like saucers. The water Princess was gentle, ginger...[i]tender,[/i] even. Sakura began to tremble and tense up, biting on her lower lip. [color=fff79a][i](I knew it. I KNEW IT! TENDER AS IN CHICKEN AS IN NICE! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!)[/i][/color] Sakura screamed in thought to herself. The surprise subsided and Sakura almost exploded. Figuratively, this time, out of joy. Fortunately, her new additional modesty helped her out. It granted her a crucial few seconds of composure as she stared at her bloodied hands and clenched them in amazement. A big stupid grin appeared on her face. Sakura's brown eyes began to wet with tears. [color=fff79a][i](PEACH AND GERALT AND KAMEK AND CADET AND RYURYURYU AND EVERYONE WILL BE SO PROUD OF ME! I DID IT! I REALLY DID IT!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! OW OW OW THIS HURTS! BUT I'M THE BEST! I'M GONNA-)[/i][/color] Before she could start wildly celebrating, the brave Ranger arrived to help her new ally. If she had started yelling in victory, this encounter might have been harder to handle. Sakura gaped and considered the situation from Ranger's perspective. Though she was still elated, her mood was brought down. She had almost forgotten the nature of her new ship girl powers- the absorbed spirit of a dead person. Someone who was loved and who would be missed. One of Ranger's friends. The whiplash caused the brewing tears to flow freely. Sakura smiled bitterly, pouted proudly, and then groaned in some emotion she didn't know the name for. The term one might use would be overwhelmed. The ecstacy of victory undercut by the consequences of war. Sakura blinked and steadied herself on the water. Her face became serious once again. One last surge of resolve. She interposed herself between the Water Princess and the heroic Ranger.[color=fff79a] "Hey...you."[/color] She said, still not knowing Ranger's name. Sakura frowned in concentration as she tried to think of the right words to say.[color=fff79a] "I...I'm sorry about your friends. But- you have- to- understand- that..."[/color] Sakura fumbled over her sentences. Whatever momentum she had going there had sputtered out with the emotional whiplash. [color=fff79a][i](Oh, screw it.)[/i][/color] [color=fff79a]"Wow wooah!"[/color] Sakura shouted flatly. She pointed with her unbroken arm to the sky behind Ranger. [color=fff79a]"What's that in the sky! It's a huge monster! Look out!"[/color] Sakura said like she was on the stage of her middle school play. Regardless of whether or not her deception was effective, Sakura put her actual skills to use. She dodge rolled forward at full speed. It had nearly zero start-up before she was going ridiculously fast. Then she erupted upwards with it powerful yet nonlethal knee to Ranger's shoulder. She tapped her chest, and summoned forth a Friend Heart. She took it in both hands and slammed it down onto Ranger's chest as she descended. A vigorous, powerful, metaphorical, and ultimately unnecessecary display. Sakura coughed and grabbed Ranger by the arm. A trickle of fresh blood trailed from her lips and down to her chin. She steeled her lungs and steadied her voice. [color=fff79a]"Nice to meet you, I'm Sakura! Listen, I know you're probably really mad at the Water Princess, and I understand. She's done terrible things. You lost people- lost your friends. One of your friends lended me their power in this very fight,"[/color] Tears flowed as freely as her words. Her eyebrows were knitted together with concern and admiration and bittersweetness. [color=fff79a]"And that's terrible. I'm so so sorry. But it wasn't her fault,"[/color] She jerked her good thumb over her shoulder towards the confused french woman. Sakura then placed both arms and began to shake Ranger's shoulders. Her right arm, the broken one, made a gross noise and squirted blood. [color=fff79a]"It was Galeem! You have to remember the light, right? That awful light! It ate everyone and forced them to its will! Galeem! It makes people stupid and violent! It got all of us! But you're free now, and SHE'S free now! Everyone is being made to kill each other for no reason! We can't let Galeem make us kill each other! We just can't, okay!? I'm sorry about your friend and you are SO brave and strong and can I hug you? [color=fff79a][i]Guh...[/i][/color]"[/color] Sakura's heroic energy was as spent as her breath. Her Ki was leaving her, no longer generated by combat. Her legs were jelly and everything hurt. Emotionally and physically exhausted she collapsed onto Ranger and wrapped her arms around her. Unburdened by killing and lifted by victory, her spirits were as high as ever. But that was all she had going for her. There was an awkward clanking as their harnesses bounced into each other. Sakura breathed heavily. The blood from her mouth and tears from her eyes stained Ranger's shirt. The Abysall infused Ranger wasn't the most comfortable hug, but it would do. Anything would do. Ranger could probably detect that if she let go, this strange, enthusiastic girl would fall onto the water. [color=fff79a]"Oops...w-what's your n-name... by the way?"[/color] Sakura added, weak. She smiled, pained. Her teeth were shiny and stained red. Turns out the 'later' of dealing with her wounds was actually more of a 'sooner.' Her adrenaline was fading. Considering the lives lost at sea in this battle, she felt a little bad about feeling so good about herself. Her weary brown eyes searched the skies for the Atomos. When she found it she raised her unbroken arm and waved. Then she turned around, pushing herself off of Ranger just barely enough to give the Water Princess a thumbs up and a smile.