[@Ozzoquen] Still working on makinng the biography pretty, but here's Malachi. [hider=Malachi][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201222/b390bcb02e81dadc47a4ecc3c81b0647.png[/img][/center] [table=] [cell] [color=20B2AA]APPEARANCE[/color] __________________________________________________________________________ [indent] [sub]In a crowd, Malachi wouldn't necessarily stand out. Short brown hair, brown eyes, a slight tan, and maybe a little on the taller side, he could be just any other college kid. He takes care of himself as best he can - semi-regular exercise has kept him in shape, if not athletic. He dresses nicely enough, for a college student - they're not necessarily the newest clothes, but they're practical, and he likes them. His wardrobe almost entirely consists of jeans and plaid shirts, with a number of jackets, tank tops and other items to add some variety.[/sub] [/indent] [color=20B2AA]PERSONALITY[/color] __________________________________________________________________________ [indent][sub] Compassionate [color=20B2AA]|[/color] Dedicated [color=20B2AA]|[/color] Reliable [color=20B2AA]|[/color] Headstrong [color=20B2AA]|[/color] Reclusive Malachi has always been distant from his peers, and responded poorly to many authority figures throughout his life. He doesn't actively push people away, but there is a wall that he has built around himself, and only a few people can break through it. The root of it is because of his childhood, but after a while, it just became... comfortable. On the other side of that, is a responsible and caring young man that refuses to give up. Once he's decided he's going to do something, he'll stick by it - even if it's reckless or it lands him in a spot of trouble afterwards. When it comes to animals or young children, Malachi isn't afraid to show a more vulnerable side of himself - he's often visibly happier when interacting with them, and he's good at comforting them and calming them down. [/sub][/indent] [color=20B2AA]BIOGRAPHY[/color] __________________________________________________________________________ [indent][sub] Still working on this, so here's a synopsis Block 1- Childhood/early-mid teens. Malachi was essentially the caretaker of an ill or disabled family member (parent or sibling), meaning a lot of his time was spent between them and school, leaving little time for friendships or extracurriculars. Other family member (single parent if sibling, or uncle/aunt/grandparent if parent) would have been working constantly in order to support the ill relative's healthcare and other needs. Many teachers do not understand/know/ignore the situation, leading to Malachi's general disrespect. Block 2- Late teens. Support/therapy dog was acquired in the form of a 2-3 year old dog (german shepherd, golden retriever or mutt mix; all are irl support dogs used for this purpose), in preparation for Malachi starting at the nearby college. Unfortunately, due to the disability/illness, family member was hospitalised and didn't make it (they had specified DNR; Do Not Resuscitate). Cue small funeral, with Malachi and other family member being only relatives. Other family member makes sure Malachi gets to keep the dog. Block 3- Early 20s/present day. Malachi and dog are living alone in childhood house/maybe moved to apartment, studying (one of: premed/vetinary care/childcare/teaching). Other family member checks in with him periodically, but they and Malachi have a hard time connecting. Malachi spends most of his time at college or at home - still no extracurriculars or close friends. Mostly reads, watches TV/YouTube/Netflix, or takes dog on hikes. [/sub][/indent] [color=20B2AA]OTHER[/color] __________________________________________________________________________ [indent][sub][color=20B2AA]#20B2AA[/color][/sub] [list] [*] [sub] Malachi can use ASL (American Sign Language)[/sub] [*] [sub] This character is currently not disposable.[/sub] [*] [sub] His dog, being a retired service dog, can understand some more complex commands and resist stereotypical canine weaknesses, e.g., meat, chasing squirrels/cats, etc. Preferrably not disposable.🦮🐕‍🦺[/sub] [*] [sub] Once/If weapons become relevant, Malachi would end up preferring a hunting rifle and/or a pistol.[/sub] [*] [sub] Title font came from fontmeme.com[/sub] [/list][/indent] [/cell] [cell] [center][sub] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3fe03502-10aa-4ef7-8760-da3c913dcfd8.jpg[/img][/sub] _______________________________________________ [color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color][sub] 21 [/sub][color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color][sub] Cis Male [/sub][color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color][sub] Pansexual [/sub][color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color] [color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color][sub] College Student [/sub][color=20B2AA][b]|[/b][/color] _______________________________________________ [noparse][img]dog image will go here[/img][/noparse] [/center] [/cell] [/table] [/hider]