[color=gray] The Scotsman had characteristically fallen into a long silence during their journey there. A silence which he'd even maintained while considering the aperture which had once been the floor of Blue 5. What he'd assumed to be such, anyway. Judging by the rooms which they'd already passed and by the fact this ought to have been the next blue marked room in the sequence there was no question in his critical mind that they had reached their destination. If there was any sort of logic to the room numbers, at least. Though it certainly did not look like there was anything salvageable left of it. Even all of that, imposing as the hole was, had not been enough to spur him to speech. There had been no need for obvious observations, and he didn't care enough to share his thoughts on the matter. It was only the sheer disbelief, shock, and fear in the woman's face, and the authoritarian's grim agreement with her which finally caused him to speak up. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Ye lot expected safety?"[/b][/color] The Scotsman retorted dryly. Honestly, where had these reactions been when they'd first been dropped in? When they'd had to read their files to learn their own names. When they'd been given guns, mysterious bludgeoning weapons, and explosives? Even the medical equipment was a sign of things to expect. What exactly [i]had[/i] they expected, he wondered. Glancing from one to the other, he scrutinized them each with an expression which was unreadable beyond the darkness of his visor. For a moment he was quiet again before at last he turned away to crouch down beside the considerable perforation, peering in for whatever he might be able to catch a glimpse of in its dark depths. [color=9e0b0f][b]"An' who said down yon's the goal, anyhow?"[/b][/color][/color]