[center][color=aa44ff][h3]Trinity Stratos Magnolia Tech Shop*, Magnolia[/h3] [sup]*She can't settle on a name. Most locals know it as simply The Workshop [/sup][/color] [hider=Outfit][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DhCXBjLWsAI1kde?format=png&name=medium[/img][/hider][/center] Should she be feeling so stiff? Trinity stopped to stretch for the third time, taking a leisurely walk around her workshop as she did. As she did, she came up to her tracking calender, where she marked down what time she'd worked in a day by filling it in with a marker, leaving gaps to represent breaks and other time off. Mmm, that was no good. Most of the month was filled in so far. There was no way anyone from the guild was going to let her off with working today away, especially when Damian and Penny just came back. Some of them would even drag her away. She had to get her last appointment taken care of before that happened. She grabbed the address book from the locked drawer by the landline and dialed the number for the client she was supposed to see that evening. A quick conversation later and the appointment was successfully moved to right now. Her stomach growled at her and she considered how long it would take for her client to arrive. She had a little bit of time, so she ran upstairs to get some food. One fixed plate of french toast later, and Trinity came downstairs to eat and wait for her client. It didn't take them much longer to arrive, though Trinity was still eating, and watching some EarthTube videos on her handheld LLD. She shut the video off and grabbed her pad of paper, turning from the workbench and motioning the customer in. The interview was rather short. She caught on to what their needs boiled down to, and she sent them off with a ready-made converter kit. It turned out they wanted to convert their home steam power to electric power. If they needed help with installation, they could give her a call, but it was likely she might be unavailable to work, soon. Just for a little bit. She sent them off with a smile, and was left with a choice... Go to the guild now, or try and crank out that last bit of work before she got dragged away? Maybe she could even get some work in on her secret project, heh. She decided she would at least try and finish the repairs from the morning's first appointment. If the sun stayed strong, she could probably do it.