[table][row][cell][color=#FFA812]Nijira Inuzuka[/color][/cell][cell][color=#FFA812][right]"Don't you dare think that this is over! I won't just feed on the scraps of [i]your[/i] glory! I'll beat you, and even then I'll keep pushing! I'll beat every single shinobi in the world! I won't stop until everyone acknowledges me!"[/right][/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Trt35W9.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell][b]"Worried about your first day, little bro?"[/b] [color=#FFA812][b]"Why would I be worried? I earned my place here!"[/b][/color] It was a rare moment. Ichi and Ni stood on the patio of the house, for once alone together. Ichi's wide grin with his hands placed so carefree behind his head, his easy stance, he towered above his little brother. Ni, meanwhile, kept his arms folded across his chest and glared determinately away, almost holding his breath, almost baring his teeth. Ichi put his hand on Ni's head and ruffled his hair affectionately. Ni raised his shoulders against him. [b]"It's okay if you are"[/b], said Ichi, [b]"I just about pissed my pants on my first day. I was so nervous, I started laughing and punching at everything... Hahah! My jounin bruised me up so bad!"[/b] [color=#FFA812][b]"Yeah, well I'm not you. I prepared for this. You should have brought a diaper"[/b][/color], said Ni, flippantly. Why did Ichi force him to wait for him before he left? Was he too stupid to know that he was just annoying? Probably. Maybe he was trying to fill Ni with doubt. What an idiot! As if Ichi could do something like that. He obviously underestimated Ni's resolve. [b]"Hahaha, yeah, probably"[/b], Ichi replied carelessly, [b]"It's so cool I get to see my little brother go off and become a ninja too. It's like... I never really thought it would happen. I don't know, it's just cool, you know?"[/b] [color=#FFA812][b]"That's because you don't think about anything. Are you gonna be just as amazed when San gets to be a genin too?"[/b][/color] [b]"Heh, I guess not"[/b], said Ichi, [b]"I don't know. I didn't think about it."[/b] [color=#FFA812][b]"Keh... Of course it's no surprise that San would become a ninja..."[/b][/color], said Ni resentfully. [b]"You're right about that"[/b], Ichi said obliviously. Ni's fists tightened. It was just like Ichi to make it clear just how much worse he was than the rest of them. He always knew just how to rub it in his face... And on his first day! Why did he have to [i]be[/i] like this?!? Ni couldn't stand it anymore. He turned around to face his brother, his teeth clenched, his shoulders raised, and Komi licking his clenched fist to try to get him to calm down, mewing softly and running around his feet. It worked, a little... Ni pushed his jaw forward. [color=#FFA812][b]"It's my day, okay? My day"[/b][/color], he said. [b]"That's right"[/b], Ichi replied and made a determined fist, [b]"And if anyone makes fun of your height, just make sure they know that I'll be there to take care of them!"[/b] Ni's eyes went completely wide and he threw a punch right at Ichi's face. Ichi caught it with an open hand and replied, [b]"That's a good punch, Ni. Keep working on it and no one will ever give you any trouble!"[/b] And he made a thumbs up pose. Ni, meanwhile, had gone completely blank. He just stared at his brother, white as a sheet of paper, and turned around. He didn't hear Ichi say goodbye, didn't see him waiving, didn't even realize he'd been walking until he was halfway through town and almost to the shinobi academy. Had he been on autopilot the whole time? Komi snuggled his leg and he finally looked down. Stupid... He'd walked clear in the other direction... Training Ground 31 was on the opposite side of the village! He knelt down and pet his pup. [color=#FFA812][b]"Don't worry... I'm not gonna let him have the last word"[/b][/color], he said and hugged Komi to his chest, his eyes welling up a little, which only made him angrier, [color=#FFA812][b]"Ugh... l-let's get to our team. We're real ninja now."[/b][/color] Komi barked happily and it made Ni smile. He stood back up and Komi ran happily around his legs as they made their way to the training grounds... ...The others arrived at around the same time Jira did and a man descended from the trees shortly after that, explaining that he was a man named Koji and that they all had to prove themselves to him or be sent back to the academy or be killed. His clothes did smell of blood. [color=#FFA812][b]"Keh! You're the sensei huh? Well, do your worst. I'm not going to be turned away now or ever by anyone"[/b][/color], he declared, crossing his arms. Komi barked twice in emphasis. [/cell][/row][/table]