[table][row][cell][color=#C04848]Location: Meeting with the Kumo-Nin[/color][/cell][cell] [color=#C04848]Mizuraki Senju[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [color=#D53D0C][sup]________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][img]https://i.ibb.co/5nx4Zs0/Mizu.jpg[/img] [/center][/cell][cell]Mizuraki almost missed that subtle change of Hideo’s face. In fact under most circumstances she probably WOULD have missed that considering how focused she was on the current situation, but she just happened to be looking at him. Was he impressed with her? Or was he just surprised that she was able to string together a coherent thought...Even when he seemed impressed with her he still had the uncanny ability to piss her off. As tempted as she was to just waltz on over there and punch his head clean off his shoulders, she still had her pride and...Well as much of her dignity as could possibly remain after waking up from a night of heavy drinking. The Jounin was admittedly curious about what Hideo could be talking to Ichika about, but it would have to wait. The time that she had been dreading ever since this mission fell into her lap had finally arrived: Deciding placement. No matter what Mizuraki decided there was going to be consequences and if those consequences cost lives? She would bear them for the rest of her days. It was becoming fairly obvious to her however that the Genin under her charge were probably better off being led into the tunnel. An enclosed space meant that Bakuto would be able to make use of his Taijutsu proficiency as well as his false arm’s tricks. Hiro’s agility based offense might suffer but he would be able to repel projectiles or other attacks in the tunnels as opposed to the massive onslaught he would face were he to sail to the island. And Remi? Remi was very versatile and utilitarian, Remi was the most malleable of the three in terms of approach. She didn’t like the idea of putting people she was in charge of under the care of someone as apathetic and not to mention arrogant as Hideo but it seemed far safer for them to traverse the tunnels than to deal with the frontal assault. As many scenarios as she ran in her own head to see if there was a way to keep the children by her side she couldn’t really envision one where it ended well for them. They simply weren’t equipped for long range invasions, as dangerous as the underground route will no doubt be it will pale in comparison to the jeopardy the assault would put them in. It seemed she had no choice but to entrust Hideo with their care and hope it didn’t come back to bite her. Mizuraki was so enveloped in her own thoughts she didn’t even hear the furious stomping of Ichika when she started to approach her. Mizuraki’s focus was still firmly on the scenarios she ran inside her own head until the sudden announcement of violence. “[color=#C04848]Wha-[/color]” she blurted out in utter confusion before watching Ichika pace in pure frustration. Mizuraki’s expression grew pensive while she stood herself up. She could only imagine what he must’ve said to break Ichika’s composure of all people. Mizuraki was feeling infinitely more justified for her earlier irritation with him. “[color=#C04848]We can take turns.[/color]” she said rather matter of factly before placing her hand on Ichika’s shoulder and managing a smile. “[color=#C04848]Don’t worry though. After this we’ll probably never see him again. And if we do? Well accidents happen.[/color]” she was obviously joking, she wouldn’t go out of her way to harm someone unless they were beyond redemption, but she figured the joke might lighten Ichika’s mood a little bit. “[color=#C04848]Seriously though...It’s like he’s out to push our buttons on purpose.[/color]” she was vocalizing her thoughts at this point. “[color=#C04848]I’m starting to wonder if this is supposed to be a test for us too. Maybe trying to make us lose our cool...There has to be some reason for him being such a bastard right?[/color]” She refused to believe that he was simply a bastard for no reason, there was something more to this surely. [/cell][/row][/table][right][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8CM2y4vB/Senju-Symbol.png[/img][/right]