[h2][color=fff200]Percival "Perry" Grungust[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Elena[/color][/h2] [h3][color=Red]Location: Magnolia Cafe Interactions: none[/color][/h3] Perry sat at his table, sipping some tea calmly. Hidden by his calm demeanor, he was annoyed. He had heard rumor of another mage that could possibly help him and Elena finally be free of each other. However, the mage's skills were greatly exaggerated. Having left empty handed, he had returned once more to Magnolia. [color=ed1c24]"So Percy. You going back to the guild or what?"[/color] Perry flinched slightly when Elena said his nickname incorrectly. [color=fff200]"Yes, I was on my way. It's just..."[/color] he began, slowly moving his head towards the sky. [color=fff200]"I'm not sure anymore. If you and I will ever be rid of each other. If we're really doing as much good as we can through guild work."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Ah, missing the old days, huh? Traveling around and defeating monsters and dark mages like me?"[/color] Perry couldn't deny, it did leave him with a sense of dread. A pit in his stomach that he wanted to fill. [color=fff200]"There's so much going on in the world all the time. I wanted to be the hero to stop the bad guys, like in my story books. But here at the guild, not only are there so many mages that are stronger than myself, but we're also stuck to this town, waiting for people to request our assistance."[/color] Perry didn't want to admit it either, but he didn't feel like a true part of the guild yet. Sure he'd been there for two years, but he still hadn't told the others his secret, aside from Ariel. He thought she'd be able to help as well, but sadly it was for naught. [color=ed1c24]"Look Perry,[/color] Elena said, feeling more awkward than normal. [color=ed1c24]"I think that your looking into this far too much. You're doing great at the guild! You've done a ton of jobs, helped so many people, why are you fussing now?"[/color] The two sat in silence for a moment, Perry thinking on why his thoughts were brimming to the surface now. [color=fff200]"I'm just- The guild- I- They-"[/color] He stammered trying to find the right words. [color=ed1c24]"They're all so great?"[/color] Elena asked in a knowing tone, [color=ed1c24]"Look, I get it. If I were still a Dark Mage, I'd be pretty worried they'd be called on me too. But the point is, they're trying to welcome you into the family, and you're just being a mope in a corner.[/color] Perry felt his body rise up and begin moving as Elena took control. [color=ed1c24]"We aren't going to sit around and mope and be anti-social anymore, alright?"[/color] Perry wanted to argue, but he was cut off abruptly. [color=ed1c24]"Uh bup bup. No ifs, ands, or buts. Now, I'm gonna take the reins and head to the Guild, we're gonna try and learn from them if you want to be a better mage.[/color] Perry was bewildered. Why had he never thought to learn and train with them? He had always seen it as just a way to get some Jewels and place to operate from while trying to free himself from this curse. His Light Make would only get him so far after all. If he truly wanted to be an exceptional hero Mage, he'd have to work at it. [color=ed1c24]"Too bad I can't just walk in there as me without explanation. It's always so awkward walking around in your body."[/color] She said as she made her way back to the guild. [color=f7941d][h2]Xing Guan, Celestial Mage[/h2][/color] [h3]Location: On the road to Magnolia from Crocus[/h3] A large Ox trod slowly upon the road, a talisman attached to it's face, though the creature didn't seem to mind it. On the cart, a young pink haired girl sat counting her Jewel that she had made. For the past week she had been in Crocus allowing people to enjoy her food, and testing her mettle against any other chefs in the area. After besting all the well known chefs, she left for Magnolia, the next town on her world wide journey. [color=f7941d]"I wonder what sorts of food they'll have in Magnolia. Maybe some better chefs than Crocus. Those people wouldn't no a Beef Croquette from a Charcoal Briquette!"[/color] She laughed to herself. The Ox seemed to chuckle as well, a slow oscillating low. The two laughed for a little bit, but soon Xing's laughing stopped. She began placing her Jewel into a small bag and then dropped the bag into a talisman in her hand, which seemed to absorb it. [color=f7941d]"Though... I wonder what would happen if I found a rival cook. Someone better than me."[/color] She said slightly worried about the prospect. [color=f7941d]"I guess I'll just have to learn from them. Wait... Would that mean I wouldn't have to marry Kohryu even longer?"[/color] The Ox let out a low and motioned itself towards the town as they approached. [color=f7941d]"Oh! There it is! Magnolia!"[/color]