[b]Anselm Dunn - Giant of Albion[/b] Dunn's vision cleared, and he looked at the chaos in front of him. Standing a good eighty yards from the battle, Dunn noticed one of the monumental creatures was already defeated. Or was it "already"? How long had the transformation taken? He didn't know. What he did know, was that the other anubis was presently under attack by Dunn's fellow associates. It appeared furious, wildly slashing the massive blade at its tiny opponents. Dunn was soaring. He felt his strength coursing throughout his body. Every transformation was unbelievable painful, yet the feeling of essentially being brought back to life was always worth it. Huge amounts of adrenaline already pumped through Dunn's veins, invigorating his senses as he began to stride forward. He vaguely heard his name being shouted through the chaos, recognizing the voice of the Russian wight. [i]Trip it up[/i]? What was he, a midget? After glancing once again at the towering living statue, Dunn supposed that in this case, he was. He reached out and grabbed a pillar close by, ripping off a good seven meters of it in one go. Wielding it like a huge club, Dunn burst into a run, charging at the freakishly big beast while the goddess appeared, attacking the anubis. With every step, the floor reverberated and cracked beneath Dunn as his pace quickened, his huge strides closing the eighty yard gap fast. And then suddenly, the whole damn library seemed to erupt around him. A huge, hot chunk of stone landed straight in front of Dunn, who stopped in his stride. Flames suddenly licked the walls and shelves as human-sized scarabs came crawling out of the stonework. [i]What the fuck?[/i] And then Isis appeared, spouting warnings of guardians. Dunn saw the other Bain & Hoyle employees scatter from the anubis, hurriedly making their way towards the now unguarded doorway. Behind them, the mummy re-appeared. He did something, and then suddenly an otherworldly darkness started forming at the mummy's feet, as he turned his back on Dunn and started walking towards the doorway. Whatever that darkness was, Dunn guessed he would not want it between him and his goal, opting to pass through the darkness before it grew even thicker. Hearing the scarabs approaching behind him, Dunn hurled the massive pillar in his hands with great force, sending it flying straight through the on-coming horde. He then started running, quite possibly for his life, clearing the darkness in one, big jump before it swallowed everything in the mummy’s wake. Dunn landed directly in front of the Egyptian - damn near [i]on[/i] him - before continuing towards the dark hole that was the doorway.