[@Aristocles][@Blackmist16] [color=00a99d]"Brendan...I have a solution for food...in the winter..."[/color]Vox guided his guess to the clay pots he had pulled out earlier. He removed one of the lids and almost immediately a sour smell could be found coming from the out. Inside the pot were pickled fiddle heads, a baby fern that typically grew in the autumn time inside marshes and forests. When preserved it could be eaten like a vegetable. The real issue was how it was preserved [color=00a99d]"Tricked I learned from the humans...they call it Vinagare.. can be used to preserve plants...and meat..."[/color] Vox opened in the other pot and inside were two whole preserved rainbow trouts Vox had caught near the wide rivers, he quickly prepared and served the fish and wildgreens to Brendan and Twig. He also served some raw meat to Greslarch [color=00a99d]"I can...make enough for the winter.. that way ...we can hunt...less" [/color]