[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200903/0fd62bf3d75762d31cb6a538b3ccedb4.png[/img][/center] Aardwolf just nodded in agreement, unfazed by the snappish response of the RainWing. He was just there to make sure she didn't run off before she led them to where the RainWings were. What she did after that was her business. He'd be quite happy if they could make it through this whole encounter without anyone trying to bite each others heads off, and based on what Jaguar was saying, that shouldn't be too difficult. [color=f7941d][b]"Explains why they may have allowed some random dragon to waltz in and get Lemur to help them collect the stuff. They probably didn't even consider it might get used on another dragon."[/b][/color] Seems like at least some of the stories he'd heard about the RainWings were true. Jaguar seemed to be a bit of an exception to the rule with. He saw Eclipse share a brief skeptical look with Skua, about what he wasn't sure, but he was inclined to believe what Jaguar said. She didn't have any reason to lie and the hatred she seemed to possess for her own tribe made it obvious she wouldn't be doing anything to protect them. Quite frankly he would just be content to know who it was they were actually looking, a name or at least description, rather than this wild goose chase they were on at the moment. [color=f7941d][b]"That's all fine and good. How about we get moving before the RainWings or something else stumble across our little camp here."[/b][/color]