Richard was sat down bellow decks in his room, He was sat across from Kadabra, staring into each others minds eye. As they stared, Joltik jumped on the back of his head. "JOLTIK!" it squeaked, before Discharging and sending a load of electricity through him. Pyroar, that was laying on the bed leaned over and scooped the Tik up in his powerful jaws and put him back on the bed, the Tik pokemon then jumped into his main and snuggled down to get warm, due to the rapidly dropping temperature. Richard coughed out a bit of smoke, before getting back to his meditation. Although, a few seconds later, the horn of the liner sounded to indicate that they were close to land. He took out his pokeballs and returned Pyroar and Joltik. He then walked out into the hallway with Kadabra, before walking towards the onboard Pokemon Center. He looked at the storage machine. "Sorry Joltik, but i'm gonna need Haunter for this." he said, before putting Joltik in the box and withdrawling Haunter. He then walked upstairs onto the deck and walked to the port railings of the ship and looked out into land, the salty air feeling very refreshing in his lungs. He took a deep inhale. "You smell that, Kadabra? Smells like hope... You think we'll see Dad there?" He asked. "Kadabra..." It replied sullenly. He then looked down into the water, the waves passing very fast. He then saw a... strange outline. He then leaned over and almost fell overboard as he saw the outline he recognized from his old book. "LUGIA!!!" he yelled. "IT'S HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!" he almost fell overboard, but Kadabra grabbed him and pulled him back. Although, Kadabra was then surprised as Kadabra scooped him up in his arms. "IT'S HIM!!!" he roared with laughter. He then looked back to see the vague outline move out of sight. He charged towards the back of the boat as he saw the outline disappear. He waved his hands like a madman "LUGIA!!!" he screamed. Kadabra then looked up at him and tugged his jacket tails. "Kadabra?" he asked. "NO IT'S NOT A WAILORD, IT'S HIM, IT'S LUGIA, IT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE A WA-" At that point, he saw a Wailord tail raise out of the ocean before splashing back down, the same direction from where he saw the outline move. Richards head dropped and he put his head on the railing. "It... It was a Wailord..." he sighed. Kadabra climbed up to the railing and put his hand on Richards head to comfort him. "Thanks..." he said.