Caleb stopped and picked up the paper. His eyes scanned the page, though the only thing that truly registered was his own face staring back at him. Newspaper Caleb had a small smile on his face and his eyes looked straight out at the viewer, as if he were holding the best conversation of his life with the one reading about his disappearance. His chin was lifted in the familiar, confident way that knights and adventurers held themselves while discussing their latest victory. He looked for all the part like someone destined to do great things. But here he was, his shoes still lightly stained from the blood of the dwarfs. A revolution still buzzing in his mind. And breaking laws to try and save a single person. He knew he was a good person, he was doing good things. But those good things put him on the wrong side of morality, or at least of legality. The child in the paper looked as if he'd never wondered about if his path was the right one to walk or if his soul was as pure as he'd always dreamed it would be. Luke laid a gentle hand on Caleb's shoulder. "Dad's always followed that paper, though I can't say I've always understood his insistence upon it. Perhaps I will learn to tonight." Caleb gave him a faint smile and set the paper down. Changing the subject as quickly as he could, Caleb reached for the first new topic he could think of. "Do you think I could bother you for some water? My horse is going to be very thirsty." He felt bad referring to Edward as a simple horse, but he couldn't risk giving away his friends identity. "I should really take care of him before we get wrapped up in things here." Sara smiled at the child. As selfless as always. "I'll help you take care of him, Caleb. Luke, please thank your father for having us and let him know we won't be but a moment."