"Speedwagon told me a lot about these creatures. In fact, I wanted to study them. But, of course, he refused; not wanting me to get...too tied up into his burdens". Charlotte said, as a matter of fact, as she carefully navigated through the messy restaurant. Thankfully, there were no dead bodies on the ground, meaning that Sir Joestar was very, very, [i]very[/i] lucky to not leave any casualties. The last thing they needed, was to get arrested, and have their vengeful journey delayed, while Straizo runs free. Therefore, they had to check if some harm was actually inflicted upon the vampire. At first, she wasn't aware of a figure, rising up in the dark. But then, it was the sound of multiple clattering that made her stiffen, and carefully turning around. "[i]Herr[/i] (Sir) Joestar", she said in a hushed voice, while tapping his muscular forearm to get his attention. The bullets were falling to the door, rolling to their feet. Charlotte watched them for a moment, before looking back up at Straizo, who was slowly regenerating from the shots that were given to him. "Don't you think we should...?"