[hr][hr] [center][h1][sub][i][color=#2E8B57]Octavia Arellano[/color], [color=#FF4500]Ky' vie Morgan[/color] & [color=#48D1CC]Isaura Larsen[/color][/i][/sub][/h1] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://i.imgur.com/fa2kR8G.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9w26mnI.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/6rf1CAf.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Kalinda Franklins, Michael Stevenson & Talon Davis ([@MarshiestMallow]), Elias Schneider ([@Metztli]), Brandon Murphy ([@Moro]), Valeria Muños ([@Rodiak]), and each other.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Bitch. The word stung; worse than she thought it would, and it only served to add fuel to the ever growing fire that she could feel burning furiously inside of her. The pure, unadulterated white rage spreading out from her core, to the very tips of her fingers was like a deadly poison; sweeping over her in furious waves, demanding to be released, and it was only for the briefest of moments that the thought that her older brother, Brandon, having something to do with it flickered across her mind. But as quickly as it came, it was gone again. Leaving her blinded in her anger. Catching her footing as she was shoved back, keeping herself upright, and simply letting her natural and almost animalistic instincts take over, Octavia balled her hands up down at her sides. Knuckles turning white from having perhaps over tightening her fists, jaw set and clenching in a pointed effort to keep herself from saying something she might regret; her already dark gaze seemed to grow even more so. The tension and animosity built up between herself and Talon thick enough to cut through with a blade; it wasn't until she felt the calm and steady hand of their other brother on her shoulder that she snapped. The hands of others that had joined them taking a tight grip over her in almost any way they could; attempting to keep the daughter of Ares from lashing out and attacking her younger brother. [color=#2E8B57]"You got something to say to me- say it to my face, you fucking coward..!?"[/color] [color=#FF4500]"Tavia..! No..!"[/color] Having taken a slightly safer path back down the side of the tower, far too preoccupied with what had going on below on the ground to finish what she'd started, though nevertheless managing to get a swift kick in towards Brandon who had been hanging there and grinning like the fucking Cheshire cat as she descended; Ky' vie skid to a stop behind the girl. Her arms shooting forward, hooking them under Octavia's until she had enough of a hold over her that she was able to begin to drag her back. Putting distance between the children of Ares, despite the almost violent struggling against her. Features scrunching up in concentration, it was only when the familiar clash in natural temperatures hit her that Ky' vie lifted her gaze. Watching on as she daughter of Khione slid to a smooth stop in front of the both of them; the cold radiating off of Isaura's hands as she pressed them into Octavia's chest. Helping to force her back, even as more people rushed foward towards the commotion. And briefly, the sound of Valeria's voice hit Ky's ears; causing her to shoot the quickest of glances towards her, though before she could answer, another voice spoke up. [color=#48D1CC]"Talon started throwing a fit; so Tavia yeeted herself off the tower and took him out."[/color] [color=#FF4500]"Yeah... an' now she fuckin' wants ta take on the world- you're [i]bleeding[/i]..! Cut this shit, an' let them take care of you already..!"[/color] Both girls - Isaura and Ky' vie - looking over towards Kalinda as she arrived and spoke up; once again, Ky was cut off before she could speak. The booming voice of the camps director rumbling over the area causing all three of the them to stop struggling against one another. Octavia's chest heaving, she took a moment to spit a mouthful of blood towards the ground as all three of them looked towards the God and Chiron. Listening to what was being said, and exchanging glances amongst themselves and those around them with the news. Keeping her hold over the daughter of Ares; Ky straightened up. Motioning over towards Michael as she too spoke up, [color=#FF4500]"No..! Don't be sorry- I agree. This is bullshit..! She doesn't even leave the camp..! So, how could she steal that stupid bird..?"[/color]