[center] [img]https://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/b/b2/Koopa_Troop_artwork.png/658px-Koopa_Troop_artwork.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa King[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 678(+1)(+18) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 8 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (90/80) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Dead Zone -> Smash City Alcamoth [/center] [color=FD0000]”You and me kid, we’re going to show them all”[/color] Bowser told Marie, as he briefly summoned her to finalize the pact. She still looked like she was possessed by the skullheart, but Bowser didn’t pay the implications much mind other than it meant she’d likely still be a powerful fighter. [color=FD0000]”Plus we can do some fun stuff too when we have the time. Ain’t gotta be all peddle to the metal”[/color] He got a nod and a smile before she returned to whatever existence Strikers had between summonings and Bowser turned back to the matter at hand. Or. almost did. Blazermate’s question of anime came up, distracting him briefly [color=FD0000]”It’s like. Cartoons or something right? I think jr watched one of those, something about catching monsters or something?”[/color] Bowser replied, his mind calling up an expy of the Pokemon anime made somewhere in his world, specifically a film he’d watched with Jr one evening not too recently. [color=FD0000]”Don’t see what those has to do with what's his face though”[/color] he waved his hand towards Sephiroth realizing he didn't know the man’s name, something that was solved a few moments later when the silver haired pretty boy dramatically introduced himself. Now that he wasn't lashing out, the king had to admit the anime guy did have style to spare when it came to bad guy presentation. The small self assured smile brought it down a little bit, but overall it was a good delivery, Bowser thought to himself before realizing he's gotten sidetracked again. The place was about to explode, now was not the time to be handing out scores for villainous introduction. [color=FD0000]”ALRIGHT ALRIGHT LET’S MOVE IT PEOPLE, YES YOU CAN COME SKELETON GUYS I DON'T CARE LETS JUST LEAVE THIS PLACE ALREADY!”[/color] He commanded, but fortunately people were already queuing up. Bowser impatiently joined the queue and in relatively short order the teleported had warped them all back to Alcamoth. [color=FD0000]”LINKLE GOT TRICKED BY A CURSED ARTIFACT THING CALLED THE SKULLHEART. YOU, CAT GIRL… MISS FORTUNE? IS THAT A PUN? ANYWAY IT COMES FROM YOUR PLACE RIGHT? WELL THEN TELL VANDHAM ABOUT IT AND THEN YOU SEE IF ANY OF THE TROOPS WE HAVE WOULD BE ABLE TO GET RID OF IT SOMEHOW. ALSO HAVE THE MERCENARIES KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR PEOPLE WEARING THE MASTER OF MASTER’S CLOAK IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY. THE THIRTEEN NOBODY'S OR WHATEVER THEY WERE CALLED. ONE OF THEM KIDNAPPED LINKLE BEFORE WE COULD DO ANYTHING TO HELP HER, THE MASSIVE JERK”[/color] Bowser commanded, getting a bit more detail over that might be useful to the mercenaries and also hoping someone from some world or other might have a trump card against the skullheart’s corruption that its own world lacked. All that left was working out what they were going to do while they waited for the city to go kaboom. Likely something that would be hard to miss, so they went exactly going to have to camp up and keep an eye on the place till it did, which left them with plenty of options. [color=FD0000]”HOW HARD IS CATCHING UP TO BLUE GONNA BE?”[/color] The King asked. Turned out that depended on how their shopping was going. Some of them, including importantly (to Bowser) Junior, had popped back through and acquired a heap of gold from Peach’s vault before heading back to a city in the middle of the ocean they were working out of, similar to how the team had worked out of Lumbridge for a time in the Land of adventure. Apparently they had been looking into acquiring an airship, which Bowser highly approved of. [color=FD0000]”Well I don’t know about you but I’m going to the Blue, make sure Junior and Peach and Kamek and everyone else is still good. Then maybe we help them out or mix it up and head for the forest or do some side stuff to power up for a bit? These Spirit’s have worked out great so far, you definitely had the right idea with taking those on earlier than I did”[/color] Bowser said, mostly talking to Blazermate. While he did he noticed Sephiroth had come back from wherever he’d wandered off too with a scowl on his face. At first he’d assumed the man had gone to use the bathroom but unless that experience had been incredibly unsatisfied then odds are he hadn't found whatever he was looking for, likely because he’d wandered off arrogantly assuming he knew where to go rather than simply asking. Bowser had been there before too. [color=FD0000]”SO WHERE’S THE MAP BEING KEPT ANYWAY?”[/color] Bowser asked for him, saving the fellow villain the embarrassment of asking after failing to find it.