[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201209/9c86dd53742a82b89ce451bea542edc8.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/299729524/original.gif[/img] [color=FFFCBB]_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________[/color] [/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][indent] Fiona had driven from Meadow University to camp, making unpacking when she arrived a hassle - but little did Fiona know that unloading her car would be the first of many things that made her want to roll her eyes over the next few weeks. The training had gone over smoothly enough, and it was nice to see that not that much had changed at camp since she was there the last time. From what she could tell, Second Horizons had chosen a good set of counselors this year. Jackson might need a watchful eye kept on him, but other than that, Fiona was quite pleased with her lot of fellow rule enforcers. Of course, being a counselor was going to be different from being a camper. She couldn’t just break the rules, fuck around and smoke weed one hundered percent of the time. She would have to allow herself to be the ‘cool-mom’ sort of counselor. She sure had enough experience with her siblings to know how to handle crazy teenagers. Hopefully this wouldn’t be so bad. After their meeting this morning, Fiona approached the giant christmas tree to wait on her campers. The blue camp shirt was far from what she would have chosen to wear, but at least it was sort of comfy. Leaning against the tree, Fi waited and stood there with her clipboard in hand. Greeting campers and checking names off of her list as they approached, she sighed. Hopefully Second Horizons could offer her the breath of fresh air that she truly needed. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]