Latia, after witnessing several exchanges, decided on her own that she was in the right place. With a new confidence, she strode silently with scanning, chocolate eyes across the small open area and over to the small snack table, discarding her old drink into a trash can on her way. Her other hand reached out fluently to grab another can from the table, and Latia almost cringed at the sound of wrinkling paper. The cold condensation from the drink was seeping into her skin. "Ah, crap." The musician muttered under her breath, extracting her paper hand and using her real one to again, pick up the can. She would have to wait for the paper hand to dry before switching back to normal skin, lest she get water molecules trapped underneath the upper layer upon transformation. The clacking of heels filled the silence awkwardly as Latia made her way over to the small table, where everyone seemed to be gathering. Her real fingers played invisible keys as the minutes ticked on. The door opened once more to reveal another young woman, who soon adressed herself as Harper to the boy with white skin.