[@Scarifar] When Christine made her way to the food stand, she was greeted by Michael, who was also standing there with some food and drink on his hands. "Oh, hello!" Christine gave him a smile. "Quite the nice party, isn't it? I've been to a number of parties like these before, and this is certainly up there quality-wise! Not that I'm a judge of parties or anything." She giggled. "Yeah, it's been quite the night. Never knew dancing could be so tiring. I'm pooped now." She walked over to the meat section and took some sausages for her plate. As for the drink, she took a glass of red wine with her. She took care only to drink a little, not wanting to make a trip to the latrines anytime soon. Her stomach was rumbling and it demanded to be filled at once. Going back to where Michael was, it came to her attention that Rurik and her sister had gotten into an argument yet again. "Well…" She sighed. "I won't say it's not bad but that's just what they do every time they meet. No matter what I say it always ends up that way. So I've given up on it. They can take care of themselves." She gave Michael a comforting smile. To her surprise, however, someone actually tried to calm them down.