[center][h2][color=fff300]Samuel Clementine[/color][/h2][/center] [center][sub][color=fff300][b]Location:[/b][/color] Leaning against the Obstacle Tower.[/sub][/center] [center][sub][color=fff300][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Nobody.[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] Listening to others voice their opinions and internally cursing at himself for blurting shit out, why couldn't he just be quiet sometimes? Samuel shrugged letting the other demigods say their peace and went to lean against the Obstacle Tower, he wondered how his kitten Whiskers was fareing. Hopefully the little calico wasn't playing in the forges again, that wasn't fun in the slightest. Samuel smiled at the memory and sighed, he loved his cat and she was his little ball of fur. It was a nice distraction from the whole situation that seemed to be unfolding but demigods like him were always ignored in favor of the 'more important' demigods. His father isn't even alive to most peoples knowledge and he always wished to see him like the other demigods got to sometimes but he knew that would be impossible. Being ignored was upsetting to Sam but especially since he always feared that not being related to an 'important' god made him less of a priority than a demigod whose lineage was connected to the Big Three or any of the other major Greek gods and goddesses. It was bullshit to say the least that he wasn't as important than any other demigod here at Camp. Sam had been here full-time since he was fifteen years old but he always had this nagging doubt lingering about the fact that this place had accommodated him and others, giving even the children of minor deities a place to stay but it always felt like he was never treated equally by others even if they were his friends or not. Looking around at everyone he looked outwardly friendly and smiled at anyone he made eye contact with but internally Samuel was frustrated that even his friends may think less of him but he thought equally of them, again it was bullshit. His thoughts drifted to the scuffle between Octavia and Talon which shook him out of his funk as he wondered where they were now as apparently they slipped away during the announcement or sometime after. Those two sure had their differences but hopefully they'd work things out. For now the child of Helios sighed and warmed himself using his natural ability to produce heat yet he emanated only enough so he wouldn't bother anyone else, Sam smiled as he believed every time he used his abilities that he felt his fathers presence. At the very least it gave him hope; a hope he might see his father someday.