Name: Rosaria Daeris Race: Wood Elf Age: 440 (Looks around 25) Gender: Female Background: Rosaria was raised amongst a village of Wood Elves that believed in self-sufficiency and using what the Earth has given them as a means of survival and building shelter. Rosaria has a love of nature that she grew up in, but wanted to explore the world rather than staying cooped up in the village. Receiving scorn from her lifelong friends and fellow villagers yet blessings from her Father as well as a gift of his bow and some arrows she set off for her exploration. Using her hunting skills and general survival skills Rosaria has seen many sights and has yet to finish. She had made a companion Lynx named KitKat who travels with her, they share a bond that is loyal yet independent from one another. She also has a very queer companion named Rizo, a rat who finds her little treasures and resides in her bag. Loving the Earth and creatures around her, Rosaria has a very happy and ‘hippie’ personality who despises those who waste precious resources. Skills: Proficient in acrobatics, animal handling, and survival.