[quote][@Raptra][/quote] Vitius glanced over at the girl, his eyes narrowing somewhat as he weighed the worth of venting to two complete strangers. Eventually he seemed to relent, hunching forward with the slightest of sighs. [color=#DD0000]"My problem has to do with the inn keep,"[/color] he explained, his gauntleted fingers drumming heavily against the table's weathered grain. [color=#DD0000]"I asked for, requested actually, some manner of animal blood last night. I did this so no one here would be harmed as a result of my thirst, yet I was ignored and refused."[/color] The old vampire picked at his scalp with his free hand lazily. [color=#DD0000]"So I had to spend the entire night resisting the urge to feed on the other patrons. It's not my first time doing so of course, but it's also not something I find particularly enjoyable either, hence my dour mood this fine morning."[/color]