Hunter had already holed herself up in the ancient library the castle held. Books already piled up around herself about anything and everything that could possibly relate to her or whatever else she deemed interesting. She found herself a nice quiet corner in the massive place. Subconsciously, she made the pile of books somewhat a fortress for her. She settled right smack in the dab in the middle of the piles. Her legs crossed, and the book settled on top of them. It was a hard thing to admit, but she was a big bookworm. She used to only steal books from people, back in her early days of thievery. With her earphones safely tucked inside her ears, blasting her current favorite song there was probably no way anybody was going to get her out of the state she was in. Her fingers traced or tapped at the hardcovers of the books, sometimes tapping to the beat of the song. Her faint shadow fidgeted and seemed to fuss about, clearly not relaxed. While she was in the state of calm euphoria. "I'm trying to read..." Hunter mumbled blankly.