[right][color=00bbff][h2] 𝓟𝓮𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝓜𝓪𝓬𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 [/h2][/color][/right] [right][color=00bbff]Location:[/color] Extravagant Banquet Hall [/right] [right][color=00bbff]Interaction:[/color] [@Jade Kiyo] [/right][hr] Things were starting to calm down. Sinmara and Yumi seemed to be getting along, and though she still seemed a bit energetic she was socializing with some of the others who had lined up with them. Penny lowered her hand that she had closed over her chest. She didn’t know when she moved it there, but now that the tension was dissipated, she felt calm enough to realize she had. Besides her family, Penny was mainly used to the patron’s who visited her father’s shop, and even the sunderers who came by weren’t so vigorous. Sinmara’s actions caught her by surprise. It was almost like grade school, and somehow that was starting to be comforting. Penny shifted her weight and tugged at her skirt as it clung to her leggings. Penny had changed her opinion of the two girls. Yumi might not speak perfect English, but she was polite, and easy to understand. Sinmara seemed easily excitable. Yumi addressed the girl next to Penny. Penny had not seen her there before, too distracted by Sinmara collapsing to the ground. She had pink hair, and one of the more interesting outfits. It wasn’t to say it was unpleasant, but the girl certainly stood out in it. It gave her a certain charm. Penny opened her mouth to comment, but quickly closed it again. She made a small peep, but otherwise remained quiet. “We find your outfit attractive.” said Gyro. It floated in front of Penny at eye level with Eve. Penny quickly reached out and grabbed the floating metal ball and held it to her chest. Stuck in place, the robot spoke once more. “I apologize, that was not meant to be spoken aloud. Please allow me introductions. This young lady is Penny MacArthur. And I am Gyro, Ms. MacArthur’s aide.” Penny let go of Gyro and it returned floating eye level with Eve. Penny bowed and smiled. Attractive might not have been the best word, but Penny couldn’t think of a better adjective at the time. Besides her young appearance, Eve showed more maturity than otherwise displayed by the others. It was a sort of professionalism expected from the sunderers. If anything, Sinmara and Yumi in contrast with Eve really made it feel like they were gathering together in grade school. “Please, may we ask of your name as well?” Asked Gyro.