[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200427/12e716eb3fcde6923781cf99dc1a0a73.png[/img] Grace nodded sympathetically. [color=DarkOrchid]"Saving the city on a daily basis does tend to be rather time-consuming,"[/color] she agreed, nodding politely at Tom's answers. [color=DarkOrchid]"I do love Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman..."[/color] Grace said with a nod as she tapped her chin, thinking of her own answers. [color=DarkOrchid]"Let's see...Parasite, the original Korean one, obviously...and then [i]bibimbap,[/i] strawberry, and herons. Herons are quite nice. So majestic...oh, the masseuse is here.[/color] Grace gave Tom another warm smile before rolling onto the massage bed. [color=DarkOrchid]"This better be worth the money..."[/color] One intensely relaxing massage therapy later, Grace stepped out of the room with a bright smile on her face. [color=DarkOrchid]"So relaxing..."[/color] she said warmly as she wrapped an arm around Tom's waist. [color=DarkOrchid]"It feels much better when you get to let everything go, you know...thank you, [i]jagi,[/i]"[/color] she whispered to him as she cuddled her head against his side. Their brief moment of intimacy was interrupted, however, by a couple that approached them. The two individuals looked like movie stars, with a certain glitz and glamour and raw beauty that seemingly could only be attained by the rich and famous. The man was tall, with slicked-back black hair and a thick beard of hair. He was huge, maybe 6'5" or 6'6", and muscled like a bodybuilder, with dark brown eyes to match. He was wearing a pair of swim trunks that were covered in little seashells. The woman was possibly a goddess come to life, with longs locks of flowing cinnamon-colored hair and flawless tanned skin. She was wearing a pair of designer shades and a crimson bikini that accentuated an hourglass figure. They were, in short, gorgeous. The woman spoke to the two of them, her voice sharp and boisterous, her pristine fingers lowering her shades to reveal mocha-colored eyes. [color=A51E00]"Oh. My. Goodness. Spacewalker? Bypass? Wow! I didn't know HERO came to this resort!"[/color] Grace was somewhat peeved for her personal moment to be interrupted by these two strangers, but she pulled away from Tom somewhat, addressing the couple with a polite nod. [color=DarkOrchid]"Yes, that's us...and you are?"[/color] she asked, partly flattered but partly wary. [color=A51E00]"Oh, I forgot to introduce us! I'm Andromeda, and this is Nikolai. We're heroes from ATHENA. The Greek hero agency, number 18 in the world!"[/color] She smiled proudly, a hint of arrogance on her face, but she spoke more than cordially to the two. [color=A51E00]"I have to say, I am [i]such[/i] a fan of you two. Your powers are so incredible! And I didn't realize you two were [i]together...[/i]"[/color] She held a hand over her mouth, as if this was a totally shocking revelation. [color=A51E00]"Wow. I totally ship it. You two are officially my new favorites. I used to close with Seraph, but, you know, the whole coup d'etat thing. Shows how people can really be somebody totally different deep-down, right? Such a shocker...anyway, it's so incredible to be able to speak to you two and see you here at this resort! Such a wonderful coincidence...oh, and by the way, Bypass, that bathing suit looks incredible. Seriously."[/color] Grace blushed, enjoying the flattery immensely. [color=DarkOrchid]"Oh, thank you, thank you, I was trying to try something different from the usual style, you know!"[/color] [color=A51E00]"You look great. Suits you perfectly."[/color] Andromeda gave another facetious giggle. [color=A51E00]"You two should come visit us!"[/color] She held up her key ring, which had a large stingray on it. [color=A51E00]"Manta Ray Luxury Hut. It's right down the way here, you can't miss it. We have a [i]lot[/i] to talk about...oh, and maybe we could play some doubles tennis or something! Well, see you!"[/color] Andromeda gave the group a wave before walking off. Nikolai, who didn't make a sound other than a grunt, followed her. Grace turned to look at Tom. [color=DarkOrchid]"We should go! They seem nice. And cool. And awesome. We're [i]definitely[/i] going."[/color] [hr][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200403/86a03f169e5f776a56136c9464b0a41f.png[/img] [color=CC5500]"Alright, guys, let's go over the plan again..."[/color] The entire mob-infiltration group was crammed into a warehouse storage bay near the docks. Blake, after some preparation and help from Christina and Zoe, looked totally different from usual. His usual spiky hair was, after hours of combing, no longer spiky for once. His scarlet hair had been straightened and pulled back, falling down to the nape of his neck. He was wearing a black formal suit and crimson tie with a black fedora perched on his head. A revolver was clipped to his belt, though he had no intention of actually using it. In his breast pocket was a fake ID for "Niall Fitzpatrick," a talented rookie Irish mobster. [color=CC5500]"We walk up to the ship with the hostages in tow."[/color] Blake gestured to the fake hostages, who were both handcuffed in a pair of magician's handcuffs that Blake had found in his bedroom. [color=CC5500]"We bring them onboard and snoop around. Hopefully, Black Baron is lured out by the promise of free kills. But! We don't let him kill them. Instead, we isolate Baron, take him out, and then call Christina to evacuate us."[/color] Blake smiled confidently. [color=CC5500]"Perfect plan! Alright, let's go, hostages. I'm gonna probably say some mean things about you guys, but I totally don't mean them. OK? Ok. Let's do it."[/color] Blake grabbed Rumi by the collar and practically dragged him out of the warehouse. Outside, there was a rather large gathering of all sorts of criminals. Yakuza, triads, Irish mobsters, Italian mafiosos, superhero hunters, drug dealers, and more. It would've been a beautiful multicultural event, had it not been a gathering of Castleburg's finest criminals. Sitting on the shore was a massive riverboat, the size of a cruise ship, with bright orange-and-green colors glistening in the sunlight. [color=CC5500]"OI!"[/color] Blake shouted, guiding one of the hostages along. [color=CC5500]"I found'a 'ero snoopin arooehnd de dahckyards! we gahtta make 'im pay![/color] he yelled. His Irish brogue was modestly more convincing than earlier, and while he did sound precisely like the Lucky Charms leprechaun and not an actual person, it was close enough for the man guarding the boat ramp. Criminals, as it happened, were not very smart. “a 'ero, 'oehh? we ooehght to joehst feed 'im to de feshes befahre de rest o' 'is 'ero friends fend oehs!” Blake had to hold back a chuckle. This man’s voice could not have been more comedic He took a deep breath before continuing with the plan. [color=CC5500]I gaht a better idea. We should keep 'im as a 'ahstage! Gives oehs an advantage if 'eroes do manage to track ‘oehs down,"[/color] Blake responded, and the man seemed to agree. The poor goon was even dumber than Blake. That was a very sad thing to be. “Alright, alright, you gaht a point dere, mate. Leave 'im in the boiler room, and make sure 'e doesn't roehn ahff. We'll deal wit 'im later. You gaht a tecket?” [color=CC5500]"Right ‘ere,”[/color] Blake said, flicking the forged pass out of his pocket. The guard gave a nod. “Right this way, mate. Welcome aboard, Niall,” he said, and Blake nodded in response, dragging Rumi along onto the river boat. It was a rather marvelous ship, decorated like the Titanic, with a lovely 1920s theme onboard. Carpets, chandeliers, lovely ballrooms, all filled with the most dastardly criminals in Castleburg. Blake practically carried Rumi along into the boiler room. [color=CC5500]"Alright, man, here’s the key. If the Baron shows up, just call me. Or, you know, take him out yourself. Whatever."[/color] Blake looked down at his watch. [color=CC5500]"The ship takes off in a few minutes, so the rest of them should be boarding soon. I’m going to go get wasted now. See ya!"[/color] Blake tossed a cell phone and a key at Rumi before ducking out of the (very smelly) boiler room. [color=CC5500]"Have fun with your hacking! "[/color] Blake called out before ducking out of the room and making his way back towards the actual gathering. Blake made his way over to the bar, of course, getting a martini and looking around the room as he sipped the drink. Nobody that looked like the Baron was in sight. Blake did notice, however, somebody that seemed vaguely familiar in the crowd. A girl with long tresses of black hair and crimson eyes, not much older than Patricia, with vampiric pale skin. She dressed in a sparkly burgundy dress and was chatting with one of the Irish mobsters. Blake thought for a moment and then shrugged. Deja vu, maybe. He texted the group on his phone. [color=CC5500]No sign of Black Baron. Im at the bar. Ideas?[/color] [hr][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200414/d73049a05f8b206f6d41111d8d92386e.png[/img] [color=lightslategray]”Excellent. Then let’s not waste too much more time,"[/color] Powers said as he simultaneously sank his ball into the final peg. [color=lightslategray]"As it happens, this croquet area is near the edge of the resort’s property. According to my map, there should be a cave just due east of this area."[/color] Powers trotted briskly in that direction, his mallet slung over his shoulder, and sure enough, in the horizon, a cave located right along the shore came into view. Standing in front of the cave was a group of suspiciously-dressed men, all wearing uniforms of red and black and wearing ominous black face masks. They were all armed, but not holding their weapons. Clearly, they were unprepared. Powers held a hand over his eyes to block the sun as he looked. [color=lightslategray]"It seems as though those gentlemen are guarding a number of crates. I think it’s best we give them a visit.”[/color] Powers pointed at a nearby sniper post. [color=lightslategray]"I’ll deal with the thugs. You take care of that fellow, if you could.”[/color] With that, Powers jogged over towards the group of men, croquet mallet still in hand. One of the men saw the Director and blinked beneath the mask. “Sir, this is a restricted area, I’m going to have to ask you to- AIEEE!” He didn’t even finish his sentence before Powers had slammed him with the mallet right in the stomach, launching him into the air before he splashed into the water. Powers spun around, taking down two more with a well-aimed mallet strike, before throwing the hammer like a javelin, launching it right into the cranium of one of the men with a deafening crack. The last goon had grabbed his gun and squeezed off a few rounds, but Powers shrugged off the bullets like one would angry mosquitos, before slapping the thug right across the face. The goon crumpled to the ground, unconscious. [color=lightslategray]”That’s done with,”[/color] Powers said, reaching down and removing the top of one of the boxes. He nodded slowly. [color=lightslategray]"Parts,”[/color] he muttered, taking out a few of the pieces. [color=lightslategray]"Lots of spare parts. Now, what could they be doing with...nuts and bolts?”[/color] Powers contemplated as he waited for Pandora to return. He scooped one of the guard’s rifles. [color=lightslategray]”I expect that the entrance to their hideout would be through this cave,”[/color] he said, stepping inside. Deep inside the cave, a red glow was pulsing from behind a pair of thick, titanium doors. Powers turned towards Pandora. [color=lightslategray]"If you may,”[/color] Powers said, gesturing towards the doors. [/center][hr][hr]