[@BizarreLolli] Sorry I missed your post. I hadn't thought about a mascot. Eukary University is about diversity and including all types of animals, and its name comes from the domain Eukarya, which includes plants, animals, and fungi. The root word roughly translates to "good seed", which kind of makes me think of something like an [url=https://pp.netclipart.com/pp/s/30-300153_acorn-clipart-green-acorn.png]Acorn [/url] as a mascot with [color=forestgreen]green[/color], [b]white [/b]and [color=aba000]gold accents[/color]. But that's not very intimidating... Eagles work, though... If we go with eagles, I'm thinking of something like [url=https://th.bing.com/th/id/Re49109582d8a0fca7c9ed73168ea951f?rik=7WxG6JvC57h5kA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.designbolts.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2014%2f01%2feagle_head-logo.jpg&ehk=%2bv2u6k%2fvftRNm6lsHAdZOF6MZhbv9JwmH2Xjszz3tvs%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw]this[/url]. [color=0054a6]Blue[/color], with [b]white[/b] and [color=f7941d]orange [/color]accents. But [color=lime]bright green[/color] and [color=black][b]black[/b][/color] and [b]white [/b]works too. You're thinking something like [url=https://p7.hiclipart.com/preview/629/688/991/philadelphia-eagles-nigeria-national-football-team-africa-cup-of-nations-american-football-clip-art-green-eagle-cliparts.jpg]this[/url]? I imagine most if not all sports teams would be given jerseys and jackets with school colors and mascot. Everybody: Anythoughts on colors and mascots? [@Zanavy]I imaged nocturnal animals as having an inclination toward being a "night owl" rather than being truly nocturnal. In the world I've crafted, the reason animals are so people-like, is that somehow (through a virus, or alien or divine intervention) animals were infused with human DNA. But, every animal/person is different, and there are still many truly nocturnal people and lineages (which means you can do whatever you want.) =)