[@Hitman] [color=6666aa][h1]Nightstalker[/h1][/color] Nightstalker stayed by the window she jumped through. Stay low and slow on the ground to wait for the other team to pass, her own team was already setting to work; Binx dropped charges everywhere, Bug probably went to find a computer room, and the enemy was on the move. [color=6666aa]"I'm going in."[/color] She took off in a slow moving sprint, quiet enough to be near silent and fast enough to beat someone who might be walking a little more cautiously to spot cameras. The inner workings of the building were damaged, broken pillars and dusty old cubicles dotted the place. It was good cover, a lot of places she could hide, but Nightstalker didn't need to hide just yet, she needed to get out in front of her team to relay information to the ones behind her. The girl took to "back street" maneuvers as best as she could; running around buildings, behind pillars, and occasionally ducking to scan for the others, if someone did walk out into the open, she'd be in a good position to flank them and bring them down. Nightstalker hopped from one office cubicle to the next, as the light pouring in from outside got a little dimmer, but not enough such that one couldn't see. It was quiet, and hopefully Binx hadn't been spotted yet, she was the demolitionist on this team, meaning she could take out the most enemies with the least attacks, and she had the observer camera so see through her visor, that shouldn't fall to the enemy's hands. Finally the girl came to a halt underneath a desk in one of the cubicles, roughly a third of the way through the building to collect herself. It was dead silent currently, Nightstalker listened outwards for anything that could give her a clue as to where the enemy team was; footsteps, clothes rubbing against each other, someone loading a gun. Nothing. Warheit wouldn't be this close, he was probably outside- best to stay away from the windows. While she was there, she took a second to flip through the info Hiram gave them. The pitch black basement stood out to her the most, Nightstalker was the only one capable of seeing in the dark, maybe she could drag someone down there and leave them blind, maybe an exit strategy, maybe a bomb can be moved there if their locations are compromised. [color=6666aa]"This is Nightstalker, I'm out ahead of you guys,"[/color] She said through the comms in a low voice, [color=6666aa]"I'm scouting, I don't see any sign of them yet, wait-"[/color] Suddenly a couple of distant thuds rang out, gunshots. One after another, but no one in pain. [color=6666aa]"I hear something now..."[/color] Nightstalker drew an arrow and readied her bow, poking her head barely out of cover. Nothing. She eyed a pathway forward between the cubicles, seeing no one overhead of them, and she almost put the arrow away until the very large [i]whoosh[/i] that followed them. Someone found a bomb. [color=6666aa]"One of the bombs is down..."[/color] She radioed to her team. That wasn't very far from her location, so maybe Nightstalker could put someone out for the day. Okay, think...It can't be Erik, he's a sniper usually, Nox...Ben, Carmen... only one way to find out. [color=6666aa]"I'm going to investigate."[/color] And with that she was gone. Alice quietly skulked down the hallway for a bit, listening for signs of enemy activity, she could faintly hear some kind of metallic noise, and someone speaking. Alice pulled the bow string back as she neared whoever was talking, two people- Ben and Carmen. Easy targets. She finally stopped right outside of Ben's field of view, Carmen was climbing into a vent. She was safe from her, but Ben was out in the open with his attention elsewhere, perfect... Nightstalker readied her bow up to eye level as she crouched down behind cover, the arrow sliding backwards into a fully drawn position, as she aimed at Ben. Square in the chest. She held her shot on him for a moment, contemplating aiming somewhere else to immobilize him, or even hospitalize him. It wouldn't matter, Ben was scrawny, small, he likely wouldn't get back up unless she underestimated Agent Shortstack. She let go of the arrow, which zoomed through the air almost too fast to acknowledge. Ben was victim to an ambush.