[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jvJ31KK.png?1[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][@The Man Emperor][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 17th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:30 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] "Oliver, the leg can turn into a wheelchair. I'd recommend you do that and help Niah outside. I'll go bring the ship around, I'll be out front, you can't miss it," Dr. Larson promised. She gave both of them a quick smile, before she left the room. Whenever the two of them ventured out of the hospital, Dr. Larson's [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/018/145/493/4k/pablo-dominguez-kreestarforceship-171117-shoot1-v01.jpg?1558469956]ship[/url] was hovering right above the main entrance way. The boarding ramp would only be lowered once Niah and Oliver approached, since otherwise it would be an access issue for people trying to get into the hospital. [center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Above Serval Industries, Virginia - Quinjet: 9:30 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Bonnie heard a shout coming from the tech bay and she sighed slightly. They had enough people with injuries already and apparently, Kwassi had hurt himself somehow. She pinched her nose briefly. She felt like the mother of eighteen toddlers, all of them running around with knives. Cass had rushed off after the shout, only to be followed by the Serval CEO, Andrew. She didn't like the idea of leaving the psychopath, Folly, basically alone with the President. Matt had gone off to check in on the chaos too. It left her, Folly, Agent 13, and the President. [color=f6989d]"Sorry, sir. Calling you by your first name feels a bit like calling my high school principal Karen,"[/color] Bonnie told the President. She had been in JROTC in high school. She was very much a military type of girl and calling one's superior officer - the superior officers of all superior officers really - by their first name just felt [i]wrong[/i] to her. It was almost as wrong as leaving the President without tending to his injuries. She had to imagine that the Secret Service and White House staff were probably regularly annoyed by him. "I can watch her, go," Agent 13 said to Bonnie, sensing what her reluctance really was about. [color=a64dff]"I don't need a babysitter,"[/color] Folly protested, rolling her eyes slightly. [color=a64dff]"[I]Alex[/i] and I go waaay back anyways. I knew him before he was all fancy, back when he was just a mini wannabe dictator - or is the word director? I always get them mixed up..."[/color] [color=f6989d]"...Right,"[/color] Bonnie said, before grabbing a medical kit and she went over to the tech bay. Kwassi didn't really seem that hurt to her, but everyone was crowding around him. [color=f6989d]"Excuse me, doctor coming through, excuse me."[/color] And then, over the intercom: [i][color=7851A9]"Hello, this is your fetching and sexy captain speaking. If you look out your window on the right, you will see one of the [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/31/Serval_Industries_%28Earth-616%29_from_All-New_X-factor_Vol_1_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140317052252]ugliest corporate campuses[/url] in America aka Serval Industries. We'll be making our landing momentarily, so take a seat and strap in - or don't, I'm not the one who has to clean your guts off the ceiling, so I don't really care either way. Hawkeye out."[/color][/i][center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]In A Flying Yellow Spaceship - Above New York: 9:30 P.M[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Raynor had spent a majority of the flight wondering exactly [i]what[/i] was the deal with Astrad. From what he could tell, he was a condescending idiot who had decided to memorize a dictionary. What would S.H.I.E.L.D. want with a guy like that? He also apparently could only follow orders blindly, leaving Raynor to conclude that he [i]had[/i] to be a robot or something along those lines, it was the only explanation that made sense. The rest of the flight he had been focusing on Sparky, worrying about her and her health. The last he had seen her, M-Pox had been ravaging the world. Now, she was pregnant and had been violated by a skrull. It made his blood boil just to think about it. The anger was good though - it was better than feeling powerless, or dwelling on how he had seen his dead parents again and they hadn't recognized him. [color=d86615]"We'll want to find Abercrombie when we get in. She's psychic, she can probably find skrulls easily,"[/color] he suggested once they entered Earth's atmosphere. He didn't say it, but Amelia really was one hell of a pilot - she was a fast learner and her flying skills were noticeably better than they had been at takeoff. [color=FFB795]"Abercrombie?"[/color] Amelia asked, as the New York City skyline came into view. [color=FFB795]"Guessing that's another agent from your crew? Or is she a secret wizard as well?"[/color] Sparky had a lot of weird connections - like Doctor Strange level weird - so she wouldn't have been surprised if Abercrombie really was another wizard. Maybe this Abercrombie was a pupil of Professor X or something? That'd be wicked cool. Amelia had never met the X-Men before. [color=d86615]"I'm guessing Abercrombie either quit or got promoted again then?"[/color] Raynor asked Sparky. [color=FFB795]"Ooookay just ignore my question then, thanks, ta,"[/color] Amelia mumbled. She was focusing on piloting their craft, only she didn't know exactly where they were needed. She managed to get them into a hovering pattern after a few tries and she tilted her head back to look at the others. [color=FFB795]"Oi, love birds and friend, where exactly am I taking us? I'm pretty sure the Avengers won't really like an alien ship hovering over New York City, bad vibes and all."[/color]