[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200714/cd9c50cc6e6d06543510ad8c4dfdabf4.png[/img][/center] [center][@Rabidporcupine][@canaryrose][@Jumbus][/center] [hr] [color=96eace]"Oh, right, sorry Brad. That's my bad."[/color] Chad frowned a little bit, not sure if J-something was purposefully trying to say his name wrong as a joke or something. He was about to comment and correct the guy, before he stopped himself. Chad still didn't know his name, so it was pretty hypocritical to want the guy to say Chad's name right... Right? Whatever - even if it wasn't that big of a deal, he and Quake were being nice enough to hang out with Chad, when he didn't have any friends here. Chad knew Pandora for a few weeks now, and even she still got Chad's Superhero name wrong most of the time! [color=96eace]"Don't worry man, you've come to the right people if you want to unwind and pass the time. Jamie's one of the funnest people I know, and wasting time just so happens to be my specialty! Though it does feel a little weird to do it out of work hours... Ah well, I'm sure it'll work out fine. Oh, and don't worry about being too good at volleyball for us, I'm pretty sure I have a decent handicap for you in mind."[/color] [color=a36209]"Thanks, I'm glad we can hang out! But is making new friends really wasting time?"[/color] Chad was excited to hang out with two other heroes, especially considering how he had relatively little interaction with the others in the organization. That was one of the reasons Chad was so eager to drop going to the gym - normally he'd want to make the most of his time and not waste it. It just so happened that the best use of his time here would be to make friends with the others - he'd be back the usual patrols and weight training when he got back the Castleburg, but Chad didn't normally have much free time to just get to know others. [color=96eace]"Well, I'm sure Starbucks'll show up eventually. Until then, I guess we can figure something out."[/color] That part threw Chad off again - who was this guy J-something kept talking about? Maybe Starbucks was a corporate Hero that Chad had never heard about, but Starbuster? That just sounded like someone trying to get popular by having a name that sounded like Starbright's! ...Which Chad had thought of doing, but decided against it when he realized the legal trouble he could of gotten in. It all turned out for the best though, didn't it? [color=goldenrod]“The gym? On vacation?! You must be crazy. I don’t even go to the gym while I’m working. Come on. We’re gonna go have some fun and play some volleyball. We don't have even numbers, but it's not really that big a deal. We'll just do a 2v1 or maybe a three-way. I’ll race you to the court!”[/color] Chad jumped back as Quake began running towards the volleyball court, kicking sand back as she did so. The Three-way thing sounded weird - could you have a three-way in volleyball, when there was only a single net? Chad shook his head and quickly followed after Quake, trying to avoid getting lost in his thoughts again. While he could have gotten to the court in a matter of seconds, Chad chose to not use his power during the race. He wasn't sure what the tall guy could do, but Quake's power was shaking the ground - it wouldn't really be fair for Chad to win the race instantly without the others having a chance, right? ...That was kind of a hollow statement, really. Chad won the race pretty easily, not even being winded as he reached the court. It was hard to compete in a fair race against Chad, when he was one of the best Runners in HERO. When the others arrived to the court, Chad had begun stretching, getting ready for the match. Percy always told Chad that stretching was always important, even if it was just a light game. Chad stopped pretty quickly though - it might make him look like a tryhard, and Chad wanted these people to like him. [color=96eace]"Alright, team time! How're we playin'?! One on two, or one on one on one?! I'm sure Starbright'll get here soon, but we can probably fit in at least one game in that time!"[/color] Chad suddenly stood up straight, surprised to hear Starbright's name. Was he here? Chad knew that he wasn't selected by HERO to come on the vacation, and Chad hadn't seen him yet- Then again, Chad wasn't really on the lookout for anyone, was he? He kind of wanted to unpack all of his things as soon as possible and didn't even stop to make plans with people before he went to his hut. It would be easy to not see someone. [color=fff200]"Starbright is here. And he is in to win."[/color] Chad covered his eyes a bit as Starbright posed nearby, a burst of light signaling his arrival. That definitely answered Chad's question. [color=fff200]"Alright what does everyone think about teams?"[/color] Well, a three-way was out of the question now. Chad quickly raised his hand and hopped on his toes, as if he was a child trying to be picked to answer a question by a teacher. [color=a36209]"Oh, oh, I call dibs on being the same team as Starbright!"[/color] Chad felt a bit bad that he was trying to be on the same team as Starbright - he was probably, like, [i]super good[/i] at volleyball. And Chad was pretty good at it too, even if he probably wasn't as good as Starbright. Maybe the handicap J-something was talking about would make things fairer, or Quake and him were really good at Volleyball! [color=a36209]"Wait, how'd you get here Starbright? I thought HERO didn't pick you to come on the retreat?"[/color] Chad noticed that there was a sizable amount of Volleyballs nearby, ready to be used by guests at the resort. Chad smiled as he jogged over and grabbed one - the staff here were pretty nice, huh? Chad tossed the ball to Quake and started walking towards the opposite side of the net. [color=a36209]"You guys can serve first! Let's have fun!"[/color] It'd probably be nice to let them have the advantage, especially since Chad basically picked the teams. Hopefully Starbuster and Starbucks would be fine being on the same team when they showed up.