"I'm sure you'll get there," Benjamin said. "Isn't that the whole reason we have to therapy here?" He showed the book as she asked about the book he was reading. "It's not that good, actually. It's a rather boring story about a young man who wants to be dancer and then breaks his leg. I like the theme, but the execution is terrible. But since I don't have much else to do I slog through it, in the hopes it will get more exciting later on." He bent forward to pick up the Petals of the Rose, a book he hadn't read yet, but the title had caught his eye. He examined the blurb on the back. "I don't think this is much better. The Petals Of The Rose looks like a romantic horror story with vampires, probably not the most original book in the pile, but people who like the genre will probably enjoy it." He put it down again. "Most of the books seem to have come from library sales, and I think the libraries had a reason to take them out of their collection."