Team Nippon [@VitaVitaAR][@PKMNB0Y][@Click This][@Crusader Lord] [hr] “Hm...I don’t think its not that you did it incorrectly.” Lazhira replied to Leannah, frowning slightly in thought. “Unless there was something or someone else trying to mess with you, it shouldn’t do that. A beginner can’t even draw out that much.” She nodded. “I could barely even make a tiny little light when I started, and I even had much better help!” She smiled, quickly taking an assertive stance, hands on her hips. “Anyways, don’t worry about it! I’ll get everything squeaky clean later. You’re my guests after all, and if there’s anything Enli has managed to get through, its that I have to be hospitable, mhmhm!” Any attempts by any of the group to help with cleaning, was met with a swift bonk on the head by the lively girl with a soup ladle. She seemed fairly adamant about not wanting them to help, and after everyone would finish eating she’d let them keep perusing the artifacts in her house, or head off to wherever, making sure to note to try and be back before it got too cold out, though also stressing she’d keep a fire going regardless. Now seemed as good of a time to rest if they wanted, or perhaps it was also a good time to train or practice more of this magic stuff. Lazhira also mentioned she’d be happy to help with anything if they wanted. Maybe deciding what exactly they wanted to do tomorrow, would also be a good idea. The Roma Mob [@ERode][@Pyromania99][@Guy0fV4lor][@PaulHaynek] [hr] Eagerly, Octavia snatched the leg and ran off to where Augusta was sitting. Rather disturbingly, and perhaps showing her still demonic nature, the pup’s mouth opened far too wide, jagged teeth ripping into the meat and swallowing an entire half of the thing, bone and all. The boar was fairly easy to dissect. Pigs, after all, were not too dissimilar to humans, and no doubt Isidre had some experience with the more gruesome aspects of such a thing at points in his life. Still, even though he was beaten and bruised he’d carry on despite such wounds even as his body complained. Thankfully, at least, it seemed like Augusta was at the ready with some medical attention if nothing else. Donovan would successfully find wood, perhaps not the best for burning but some at all was better than none. The perpetual snow wasn’t doing them any favors though. The wood as he said, was damp and ill suited. Perhaps with a little effort though, and some magical tricks they may be able to dry it. Or maybe they could just use so much fire it’d burn regardless of how damp it was. Regardless of what they did, Donovan would head back into the forest, to find more wood and hoping to get more answers... [@Crimson Paladin] The Fox and the Skillseeker [hr] “Pfft, ahaha, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re scared by something.” She laughed amusedly. “What’s the matter? This little fox give you a spook? I can assure you the only thing I harm are people's coins.” The fox reached for the boots that were apparently hers, lazily putting them on, not in much of a hurry to comply with Novaks request, likely under the belief he’d stay put since he seemed adamant on returning the supposedly pilfered goods. “Speaking of...” She continued, slipping on a boot. “What are your thoughts on this little...village, stranger?” An innocent question, perhaps, as she fastened the two blades to a belt and the mask under her cloak. “They seem quite...shall we say, unprofitable recently.” An odd choice of words, perhaps, but she finally seemed like she was ready to follow Novak, tossing him the obviously pilfered goods. “Not that I really care, probably be the last time I come and pay a visit. Have to make a living somehow.” She would leave, taking the lead as they headed back to the workshop seemingly forgetting her earlier demand of telling no one she was here. Novak was free to talk, reply, and ask questions if he so desired himself if he wanted too. If not, the fox girl herself seemed to be more than amicable enough to speak if spoken too. Perhaps he’d find it suspicious she seemed to know exactly where the items were stolen from, and if nothing else, she didn’t seem like she was about to harm him, either. Eventually though, they would indeed arrive, though for all her talk of not telling anyone she was here, she’d follow him inside and give Novak the opportunity to return the stolen goods. [hr] Send Feet Pics [@Cu Chulainn] Indeed, it was a shame Malphas would never get to see the luxurious, fluffy tail of a certain fox. She might have even let him fluff her tail, or even get a good long look at her feet. Alas, though, he had chosen the humanitarian route of returning the fish the fox had stolen to the fisherman. The man in question, at least seemed amused and grateful, not having thought much of losing one fish. In return he gave Malphas a handful of what seemed to be five silver colored coins. They weren’t much, but perhaps it was what served as currency here? They were roughly circular, with a square shaped hole in the center. As he moved through the village, much of the sights were the same as his previous trek, though now it was much later in the day. It seemed as though people were winding down for the day. Eventually his nose would lead him to what seemed a communal gathering of some sort - a large building without a door, several villagers were gathered inside, sitting around a large fire. A pot with some sort of stew, a number of vegetables and game hung on the walls. A number of men seemed to be hunters, with only a few others not being there. None seemed to object to his presence, and it seemed most of the food, as one might have assumed, was fish from the ocean. Didn’t seem like one might mind if he took some, though it’d likely be a good idea not to take too many. As he observed, someone grabbed his wrist. “A coin, for my troubles, you pretty thing?” A raspy, high pitched voice spoke. They had been sitting on the floor. Had they been there before? He had given everything a good look over the moment he entered, correct? Or had he just overlooked this person? Whoever it was, definitely wasn’t making an effort to stand out. “I know you have some, keheh. I can hear the shiny things clinking. Be a kind soul?” They released Malphas’ hand, holding out their own. It was covered in dirt, with long, thin, spindly fingers that seemed malnourished and skeletal. The rest of them was dressed in a long, ragged and dirty cloak over what seemed to be an old, dirty, frayed white dress. A hood was completely obscuring their features, and it was difficult to tell their gender.