[table][row][cell][color=#A2ADD0]Yue Nara[/color][/cell][cell][color=#A2ADD0]"Stop... being alive. It's embarrassing."[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kVqg79e.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell]Nearby, Remi was giving a lame speech about... arms or something... and nobody seemed very interested. His teammate bailed immediately, which is what Yue felt like doing too. Unfortunately, Natsuo beat her to the punch and left to talk to the Kumo-nin before she had a chance to make a quiet exit. Great. She was stuck with Tomoyuki. See, on a team, there were usually three kids. Three kids meant that Yue could stand in the back and not draw attention to herself and no one would ask her to say anything. It also meant that if she slipped away for a second, no one would notice right away. Why would they? But now that Natsuo was gone, Yue was stuck. It just felt awkward standing there not saying anything and the longer it went on, the more the pressure just built and built. 'Jeeze, Tomo, why don't [i]you[/i] say anything', she thought vulnerably in his direction while retreating into her hat, scarf, and pockets, only her eyes and, more importantly, her tense furrowed eyebrows visible now. E-even if he did want to say something, Yue didn't want to talk to him anyway... Her fingers fumbled with her final dumpling in her pocket and suddenly she remembered just how hungry she was. She glanced around as discretely as possible, her eyes finding what looked like a good tree to hide behind. Of course the problem remained... how to walk away discreetly when there were only two of them... Sh-she had to say [i]something[/i]. Like she couldn't just walk away. That'd be... she didn't know... like rude. Ugh... Why was he making this so difficult? She turned her face towards him slightly, not enough to be facing him, she didn't want him to think she wanted to really talk to him or anything, but enough that he... like... would know she was going to say something. Nothing? No? Eh... Okay. Then... Uh... She nodded. And walked towards the trees. She passed Bakuto as she went, but paid him no mind. If he didn't want to talk to people either, she wasn't about to bother him. She could respect someone else's solitude... even though people rarely respected hers. When she was quite sure she was out of sight, she reached into her pocket and very discreetly popped the dumpling into her mouth, using her tongue instead of her jaws to chew, since if someone [i]was[/i] watching, for whatever reason, they'd be less likely to notice she was eating. The last thing she wanted was for someone to use her dumpling as an opportunity to try to strike up a conversation. What could she even say about a dumpling? It was a dumpling... Her dad gave it to her because her mom kept feeding her weird health slop. Yeah, like anyone would want to hear about that. Totally stupid story. [/cell][/row][/table]