[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color] [I]Outside the Cafeteria Interacting w/ Gracie [@IronPhinx][/i][hr]A soft voice, so soft it could hardly be heard came from a distance. Melanie looked up to see the doe's mouth was moving, so she smiled and rolled her snowball closer to hear better. The girl seemed a bit self-conscious about building a snow animal. Mel shook her head, smiling reassuringly. The doe seemed even more shy than herself. [Color=pink]"It's nothing to be ashamed of. You know, hadn't realized how much I missed playing in the snow until I saw you. And look-- we're not alone anymore!"[/color] Indeed, Gracie and Melanie had inspired others to enjoy the snow themselves. Two penguins were making snow angels, a white bunny was rolling a snowball, and a bear was building a fort. Mel watched them laugh and smile as they enjoyed themselves. After a short time Gracie smiled, introduced herself, and offered her hand. Melanie hesitated at first, looking up at the hand in front of her almost in shock. Most people wouldn't look at a skunk, let alone touch one! But the moment passed and Mel got to her feet and shook the doe's hand with a gentle but enthusiastic shake. [Color=pink]"M-Melanie... Or you can call me Mel... I'm a 1st year student,"[/color] she answered, with a nod and shy smile before letting go. Mel's hand seemed to keep shaking on its own even after she let go, from sheer nervousness. She tucked her hands in her pockets to hide the fact. Feeling awkward, Mel glanced at her phone that was tucked finger pocket, never one for small talk. Her eyes widened. [Color=pink]"Oh! I better get to class... It was really nice meeting you, um, Gracie. See you around campus, I hope?"[/color] Mel rushed. She turned and started walking away, waving as she went. She picked up speed, running toward class and leaving behind the doe and a tiny, 1 ft tall pebble-eyed grass-striped snow skunk.[hr][i]History Building, Classical Mythology class with Mr. Rodney Bulman, 7:00AM.[/i] [Color=pink][i]"I made it!"[/i][/color] Mel quietly exclaimed with relief as she entered the classroom. She walked as quietly and quickly as she could, finding a seat as close to the front as she could (skunks have poor hearing and eyesight) and pulled her glasses out of her backpack and put them on, blinking twice as she adjusted. She then took out her notebook and pencil and started to read through her notes. About a minute later, [url=https://2017.furrnion.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/mascots_slider-e1458503620220.png]Professor Rodney Bulman and his assistant Bobbie Lenox[/url] entered the room. Melanie smiled. She always thought it was kind of funny that a real life minotaur actually taught classical Mythology. But he was a great teacher that made his lessons fun. Plus, it was one of the few history courses that tied nicely into her art major. With any luck, the class would go by quickly again...