Hello everyone it is once again me oceanic. So I have an Rp idea which hopefully could gain some traction. Imagine living in a world where the myths of the ocean were true, the Kraken, Neptune, sirens everything is true. Sailors and pirates from all across the seas deal with these myths and legends. But what would happen when one of these legends need help? Neptune has called a group of various people who live by the sea to go on a quest. He promises it will be filled with adventure and no small amount of perilous enemies he also promises that these various sailors and pirates he called on will be compensated on completion of this quest. The ocean is unforgiving yet beautiful and holds endless secrets which is what calls these people to live by its rules. The type of people who are called to the sea are never ending, ship crews could consist of humans, angels, demons, men with the abilities of marine life to name a few. This world would take place in a time period which could be related to the 1600 '-1730's or what in our world was considered the golden age of piracy where ships roamed the ocean a plenty (and I just like the style). The technology in this fantasy world in terms of firearms would be cannons and flintlocks though magic is a component. The magic in this world can be anything yet technique names are named after something related to the ocean. Magic users do have an advantage over non magic users though non magic users compensate for this by training their sword skills or firearm and sailing skills. So yeah this is my rp idea I hope you guys are interested and that it can take off. 18+ rating for drug use mainly alcohol and tobacco and mild gore and language which could happen in certain fights or conversations between OC's and or NPC's