"That does sound like a book they would put on their forbidden list," Benjamin commented with a chuckle. "It's not a theme I usually read, but I'm willing to give it a try. I'd like to read something well-written instead of this garbage." He showed the book about the dancer he was reading. "I like to read drama's, but better-written ones. This could have been a good story if it was written by someone else." He checked the back cover. "But this person is a journalist for a few good newspapers and it probably got published because of that. It just shows that fiction and journalism are two very different things and I'm sure there are people who are good at both, but that isn't true for everyone." He glanced at a nurse that walked to another patient, talk with her for a moment and then the two of them left. Therapy probably. Or the weekly overview of their progress. He still needed to get his first; he was in his first week here and already hated the place. This didn't bode well.