[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EV9lddpWoAAVSDW.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muehxvezYmI]Master, no one has looked at my 1x1 ideas yet...[/url][/center] Hello, I'm Starboard Watch and I'm not quite good at introductions. Breaking out of my usual mold, I've decided that I'm looking for a very specific type of 1x1. That, as the title can surely tell you, is set within the confines of Star Wars. Call it an obsession-of-the-month, but I've been lurking for a little bit and I've seen a few ideas but a bit too late in the game for me to catch the ball. Anyway, I've taken it on to cast my line out on my own, and see what comes up. Since we'll be doing Star Wars, I can lay out my rough knowledge of the lore and say what I'm down and comfortable to do, what I can do, and what I won't do as far as setting goes. I'm most comfortable and pleased to do something set during the Clone Wars, or at least in the death throes of the Republic (from Darth Plagieus up until the Jedi Purge, really.) In close second, I'm definitely game and willing to do something set with the Empire after the events of Revenge of the Sith, and up until Return of the Jedi. As for what I won't do, I will not do the sequels. I didn't like them, I don't care for them, and I don't know enough about its "lore" to try. If you want to do something set after Return of the Jedi, we can take cues from the Thrawn Trilogy and such and build from there. I'll lay out, in simple terms, what I'm looking for from a partner below, and then I'll list a few plots of mine that I've already got written, and you can pick to see which one you'd like to do. If none of those interests you, or if I've already found someone to do that plot, we can always brainstorm a concept together. You'll find that I have an excess of ideas. What I'm Looking For: [list] [*] An 18+ person willing to roleplay in the Star Wars universe. [*] Ability to write quality and at least one paragraph replies [*] Knowledge of the lore and the setting we're writing in. [*] Ability to write punctually and to keep up, or otherwise let me know if you won't be able to write as often, and to indulge me when I'm unable to write as often as I'd like [*] Enthusiasm [/list] I really have no strong ideas, only general murmurings of them. I'd prefer to see what sort of character you had in mind, and then we can build from there. Anything from the movie timeframe of TPM-ROTJ interests me the most, so we can roll with whatever we'd like. We [i]can[/i] do canon (or EU) characters, but if you want to do OC that'd be all the better. I'm also not really looking for either a female or a male in particular - just someone to roleplay with really. If this interests you, feel free to shoot me a PM.