Duncan gave a frown as Mike spoke about what Harriet was like as he picked Freya up and placed her into the water without taking any of her clothes off. Freya let out a small mumble as she started to settle into the water, her gills opened and her body just floated and glistened within the water. "I've only seen Harriet hit that stage once before, when her old best friend was killed in front of her and they tried to kill me..." He started as something seemed to slowly click in his mind. "Oh no." He said as he straightened up slowly. [i]"Oh no."[/i] He looked to Mike and his eyes held worry. [hr] Lydral listened to Benjamin and then looked at Mitch as he spoke, but he seemed almost unphased by the words he said. Dante stayed silent before his half-brother gave a hollow laugh. "'Special Abilities', Hah. How cute." He started as he sat up properly, "You're talking to two children of one of the most overpowered jackasses in the [i]universe.[/i]" "Dads not a Jackass." Dante said, venom in his words, Lydral waved his hand, dismissing his half-brothers words. "Dante inherited Dads Psychic ability. An added bonus is he's also a Shifter, if he can be bothered to use his powers or split himself into the clones. Especially because unlike dad he doesn't have to worry about splitting himself into too many forms and releasing a beast." Lydral started, "Duncan is a literal human machine, Electric powers, Nanobots, Resistance to poison. Harriet got Dads Memopath side, dangerous, cold, powerful. Shadow powers, time powers, Not to mention the added electric powers from mum and dads air abilities." Lydral paused for a second, and pulled out a flask before taking a small swig. "I got stuck with the boring Nuric part of my father, but Axel got double unlucky and he was stuck with the Human genes of our mother. My powers are limited, but I also have my team of people working on a new type of gun, made from a redesigned version of dads blueprints." "Which you [i]stole.[/i]" Dante added angrily, Lydral looked over to his half brother with a raised eyebrow. "Look, you don't have to be a Dek'orith. Dad gave me the blueprints... Well, he left it in our store house. And how can I turn down a gun that eats organic matter?" Lydral said with a smirk. [hr] Rose slowly moved to stand up and shakily stepped towards the doorway, holding herself up in the doorway as she looked to the assistant with a weak smile. "I...I can still eat human food." She said with a small nod, "I've never eaten bugs before, at least not as an adult." She explained before she winced and almost collapsed down to the ground again. "I've never been this hungry before." Steph looked over to Lily as she spoke to Gaia before she looked towards the guards away. She breathed out slowly before inhaling sharply as Lily's hand came in contact with her horn. "P..Please don't touch them." She said with a weak smile, "T...They're really sensitive. I haven't had them for a while, but thank you." She said with a shaky smile. She twitched her wings slightly before they stretched out a bit more. "I haven't had this form for too long honestly." Gaia let out a low rumble at Lily's words, especially at the mention of being able to cocoon. She settled on the floor and lowered her head against the ground as she closed her eyes slowly. [hr] The figure coughed as they felt their body ache and crack, the coughing brought up blood. But not just blood, but tissue as well; burnt, dark red damaged tissue. They moved to slowly stand up properly as the skin on their face started to heal over, a large jaggered scar over their eyes forming. "T...That fucking... Bitch." They uttered slowly, "How dare she strike me down like that, how DARE she use my own power, the power GIFTED to me... Against me." He coughed again. Daz was [i]not[/i] in a good state, normally a human would have been obliterated, but Daz was not just stubborn but he was 'gifted' by some sort of twisted god.