[B][right][color=gold]Open Space near the Bitter End, aboard [i]The Archaic[/i].[/color][/right][/b] [hr] Astroth set his glass of Deychin tea down on the surface of the holotable as he read through what information he could gather about this asteroid city he was going to, the Bitter End. To him it seemed little more than a Hutt outpost, differing negligibly at best, other than the battle droids it churned out from factories in its depths. That bit was fascinating, and Astroth wouldn’t mind getting a look at them to see if they matched the actual units used during the Clone Wars he’d dug up around the galaxy. That would have to wait, of course. He was only traveling to this cesspool because Callidus was reportedly there currently, with an item or items of interest supposedly taken from the Emperor himself. This alone was enough to bring Astroth halfway across the galaxy just to see what Callidus could have, but he had also been tracking the enigma of a man for some time because of the rumors that surrounded him and his exploits. If they were true, Callidus had some knowledge in the Force, knowledge he may be willing to pass on to Astroth. The relics and texts he had gathered so far were sufficient enough to teach him the very basics of the Force and how to manipulate and use it, especially with the ability he seemed to have to able to handle an object and see visions of its past, the people who utilized it, even how or why it was used. These visions of his tended to come in flashes and left impressions of thought and emotion more than the images themselves on his mind, but over time he had learned how to interpret some of them and wade his way through learning to use the Force. There was only so far he could get on his own, and much to his chagrin any artifacts or texts from the Jedi and Sith were much more difficult to find now because of the Empire’s policing of such items. He sipped at his tea absentmindedly for a moment before setting the datapad down on the holotable. With the flick of a finger, he sent a small pulse through the Force and turned the table on. A map of the galaxy sprang into life hovering over the table’s polished, round surface. Using the controls, he zoomed in until he pulled up the section of space where the Bitter End was said to be located. On the standard map, there was just empty space there. When he switched over to the datastick he had procured, however, a blip fizzled into existence near the symbol that marked his ship’s location. The city was nestled in the center of the asteroid field. He was close enough to travel in real space rather than hyperspace and should arrive within a few hours, though his ship’s navcomputer displayed a warning regarding the asteroid field. That would prove to be an obstacle. With a sigh, he set his tea back down on the table’s edge and leaned forward to examine the field more closely. A crew, or at the very least a hired pilot, would be useful for this very instance. Half fondly, Astroth thought of the few times he had hired a crew and chartered a ship, but it was better he have his own ship to store the relics he did have and to train in peace and secrecy. He was no fool and knew even though he was by no means a Jedi, that he would still be hunted down. With a small gesture from Astroth, the tea cup lifted from the table and floated through the air shakily and settled into the washing unit nearby. He clicked his tongue as his own form. Definitely needed to practice levitating objects more. Perhaps he could get some practice while searching for Callidus at the Bitter End, in secret of course. With another wave of his hand as he got to his feet, the holotable shut off. Staring at the asteroid field any longer would not help him navigate it any better. He would only overthink the whole endeavor, and to get through the field without crashing he would need to have a clear head. First, though, the long silver robes he wore would need to be traded for a simple black tunic and loose-fitting pants as well as simple boots and a dark, hooded cloak. Blending in would be much easier this way, though the slightly glimmering shimmersilk was his style of choice. He hung them alongside other robes of a similar make in varying colors and patterns then went into the cockpit and settled himself into the pilot’s seat. The sleek finish of his ship would also need to be changed for the final approach toward the Bitter End. [i]The Archaic[/i] luckily had a custom cloaking device installed, one that changed the physical appearance of the ship to look more rundown. This had proven useful and necessary over the years as he found himself in areas similar to the Bitter End as he hunted relics and information with equal fervor. As the asteroid field loomed closer, tumbling across the viewport, Astroth closed his eyes and cleared his mind. Even with his meager abilities he could feel the web of the Force around him, swirling through everything. Straining slightly, he latched onto a strand of the ethereal web and let his perception be pulled along as if by a river. He could feel the gaps between the asteroids as they floated through space, some crashing into one another before drifting apart again. Opening his eyes again, he moved his ship into the asteroid field. His concentration strained as he kept hold of that strand of the Force running through the field before him, and he followed it, moving through gaps in the asteroid moments after they formed. By the time the massive asteroid housing the Bitter End came into view, his brow was damp with sweat, and he was breathing as though he had just been running. Relief washed over him as he let the strand of the Force go and set down in one of the many docking bays of the city. Despite the strain he had put himself through, Astroth still felt elated at what he had done. His skill was growing, there was no doubt, but he could still improve. Even now, without actively directing his perception through the Force, he could feel the life of the city moving about outside of his ship and even larger ripples nearby. That was interesting, and he would have to investigate them, but after he rested.