[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201226/c56cc8029b23d04b423f1c89efdfac49.png[/img] Ben was just about to crawl into the vents when heard Carmen yell [color=b62b41]“Wait!”[/color] and felt a tug at his pant leg. He looked down at Carmen, lowering his hands from the vent as he listened. [color=b62b41] “I didn’t disagree, did I? I’ll go. It’s a good idea, and… well, I am shorter than you,”[/color] she joked. Ben gave a small nod as Carmen continued, [color=b62b41]“You’ll be better down here than I will.”[/color] And with that, Carmen yanked Ben off the desk. Ben teetered at the edge of the desk before hopping off, landing on the carpet. He shrugged. [color=SeaGreen]”Alright, alright. Be careful up there,”[/color] he said to her. He watched the Colombian girl slither into the vent. He stood there quietly for a few moments, before he suddenly realized he was [i]staring.[/i] Oh, God. His face turned a bright scarlet and he quickly looked away, diverting his attention towards a nice speck of dust on the floor instead. It was this puberty stuff kicking into high gear again. Ben ignored the fluttering feeling in his chest as he brought a finger to his earpiece. [color=SeaGreen]”Gotcha, Carm-...Agent Babel. See if you can find any info on where any of the other team is at,”[/color] he said into the earpiece as he turned around, only to realize he was staring down Alice, who was aiming an arrow directly at him. [color=SeaGreen]”Oh, fuck,”[/color] he said, his voice still transmitting to the rest of his team, as the arrow launched through the air. Ben was fast on his feet, very much so, but he was not fast enough to dodge a speeding arrow. It hit him squarely in the chest, sending multicolored paint all over his vest, pant legs, and leaving a few splatters on his face, while also throwing him back into the wall with a loud [i]thunk.[/i] His head collided with the drywall, leaving a nice dent there. His earpiece was launched from his ear, falling a few feet away from him, nearly invisible on the carpet. Ben slid onto his butt as his feet gave way. His eyes were bolted shut, his head rested against the wall. That [i]hurt.[/i] Ben was not the type to give up easily, and it seemed as though he wouldn't go down without a fight. His eyes still shut, he patted at his belt, trying to grab his weapon and take this ambushing woman down with him. His fingers loosely grabbed the holster of his pistol, but they didn't form a grip. If he pulled his weapon, Alice could hit him with another arrow, and if she aimed anywhere outside of his chest, she could probably do even more damage. Ben's face heated up, his cheeks hot and bright red, humiliation clear on his expression, but he didn't fight back, instead just teetering over, laying his head down on the carpet. [color=SeaGreen]”Fuckin' [i]cheater...[/i]”[/color] he gasped quietly, but outside of that, Kingfisher remained mostly passive, though the embarrassment at being taken out so easily was clear on his face. He wiped some green paint from his face as he grimaced at the thought of it all. He had let his team down, that was for sure. Hopefully, they would forgive him for falling prey so easily... [hr][hr] Meanwhile, in the vents, only shortly after Ben disconnected from the communications, a small red dot began to pulse deep in the vent, about 4 or 5 meters ahead of Carmen. The dot was on top of a Claymore-like explosive, a black box sitting in the middle of the vent, facing Carmen. As Carmen got just an inch closer, the bomb detected the girl and promptly exploded with a loud bang that resonated throughout the facility. Tiny balls of condensed paint were blasted out from the bomb, covering Carmen in a hefty coating of paint as the entire vent shook uncertainly. Thankfully, it did not collapse, but Carmen's hopes of moving through the vents unnoticed had most definitely imploded. [/center]