[center][img]https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/11/Medic_emblem_RED.png?t=20130809194339[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]The Medic:[/b] Word Count:[/color] 797 (+1 Exp) [color=ed1c24]Level:[/color] 1 [color=ed1c24]Exp:[/color] [color=ed1c24]////[/color]////// (4/10) [color=ed1c24]Location:[/color] Sandswept Sky (desert): Vah Naboris [hider=Interacting with:][@Lugubrious]'s Tori and Poppi, [@Archmage MC]'s Queen Sectionia, [@ONL]'s Heavy Weapons Guy[/hider][/center] The Medic walked slow circles around the interior of the non-robotic-robot camel, being sure to stop by each member of Yellow Team. [i][color=ed1c24]Eet seemz I'll have to buy a new tie. Und gloves.[/color][/i] He thought. Yellow had never been his favorite color, but such was the way of things. Even the humans got a free check up, since there was always the possibility that they weren't actually human, but rather some sort of supernatural entity, something the Medic had learned to account for after a few too many Halloween nights. Even if they were fully human, there was no guarantee they hadn't been born with some subtle abnormality, like a heart murmur or asthma. As the Medic made his way back to Sectonia, she gave him a stern look, which he missed, his nose buried in his notes. He did catch her tone, though, one of a leader warning her subjects against deviation. He was quite familiar with [i]this[/i] tone. [color=ed1c24]"Very well, zough it vould be much better for me to learn of your inner vorkings [i]before[/i] I have to sponge blood back into you, ja?"[/color] She once again offered her minions up for experimentation, though upon closer inspection, the Medic wasn't entirely sure what he could do with them. There was a slight mystery as to how the ice that comprised their body could remain solid in [i]this[/i] climate without being so cold as to affect the air around them, but that was likely magic. Even if it wasn't, there wasn't much he could do with that knowledge, as living tissue rarely reacted well to extreme cold. The Medic shrugged, letting out a small, high pitched [color=ed1c24]"Hm."[/color] Queen Sectionia then inquired as to the Medic's combat skills. [color=ed1c24]"Vell, as a doctor, mein place eez at my patientz side, ensuring zat zey remain able to perform ze taskz required of zem. However, should somezing go wrong und I must defend [i]myself[/i], I carry vis me zees Syringe Gun!"[/color] The Medic explained, holding his primary weapon up for the insect to inspect. [color=ed1c24]"Quite ingenious, no? I did have a crossbow zat dohbled as both veapon UND healing, but [i]somebody[/i] used all ze [b][i]medeecine for eet![/i][/b]"[/color] The Medic stated this last fact a bit louder than necessary, shooting an accusatory look at the mercenaries that had accompanied him here. He still didn't know who it had been, but he was confident the Heavy was [i]not[/i] the culprit. [color=ed1c24]"I also carry a bonesaw vis me, just in case."[/color] He said, turning back to Sectonia. [color=ed1c24]"Ze Mann Co. catalogue sayz eet can cut zrough a femur in tventy-eight seconds, zough I am confident I can reduce zat time by half."[/color] He boasted, then leaned in to whisper to her. [color=ed1c24]"Ze trick is too ignore ze patient's screams for anesthetic."[/color] The Heavy was still deeply engaged with the others in a discussion of a culinary nature when he turned and inquired as to the state of his rib. At the mention of missing skeletal tissue, the Medic froze. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, vell, uh, zees zings do take time, ahaha..."[/color] was the only response he gave, hoping no one would point out that ribs do not, in fact, grow back. A few moments later, the Heavy had another question, but it was one that pertained to his bologna sandwich, so he didn't bother paying attention. [color=ed1c24]"Ja, ja, das ist gut."[/color] He replied dismissively. The Medic hadn't noticed Poppi leave, but he did note her return, copying down her lack luster descriptions of the desert's native creatures. He'd have to update them himself, should he get the chance. There was much discussion of where they were going and how to get there. Nobody seemed to really have an answer, which the Medic found quite odd, as it seemed obvious to him. Well, the Heavy had [i]an[/i] idea, and it was admittedly a good one, though the Medic doubted anyone was willing to be tossed by the gorilla man. [color=ed1c24]"If I may interject,"[/color] he started, inserting himself into the conversation. [color=ed1c24]"Eet vould seem ve need to reach ze top of zees cliff face, ja? Und our transportation, including eet's head, reaches approximately half way up said cliff, ja?"[/color] He waited for someone to put the pieces together. When no one did, he continued. [color=ed1c24]"Vell, depending on how much control Princess Midna has over zees beast, eet vould be easy enough to raise it up on eet's hind legs, place eet's forelimbs on ze cliff for stability, und extend eet's neck. After zat, eet's a simple matter of climbing. Hypozetically speaking, of course."[/color] He concluded, pushing his glasses back into place with his middle finger.