[color=bc8dbf]"They are playing this like a skirmish."[/color] Adrianne said to Stukov as she pulled her long, curved plasma blade out from a wall - including the cultist it had impaled on the other side. Spreading her hand open, she moved it over the bloodied blade, causing the purple witch fire sparkling from the blade to intensify for a brief moment, sizzling any residual blood and dust that remained on the rune carved metal before sheathing the weapon in its long staff sheath. [color=bc8dbf]"Whatever they got planned, it has barely just begin. I am still sensing the vile taint of chaos, but it's like a shroud of mystery over the building."[/color] Adrianne said as she followed Stukov, quite happy to have left the lion share of the fighting to the armsman. Though Adrianne had always questioned Stukov's choice of a simple shotgun when he had access to an inquisitorial retinue's arsenal of weapons; to say nothing of the weapon's limitations against armored enemies or its lack of range; she could not deny the fact that the armsman wielded his weapon like an artist despite its crude nature. * Adrianne could sense the swelling of chaotic energies the moment before the demon; or at least its image; appeared! [color=f49ac2]"What shall it be? Will you accept my offer of information or shall we engage in the bloodshed you and your type are all so familiar with?"[/color] The demon's voice echoed twice in Adrianne's head as it spoke, and the psyker's lavender eyes narrowed in a hostile glare towards the creature that called itself 'Lillith'. Her mind raced with options. If they tried a frontal attack, the daemon would likely attempt to flee, only to try to get at them later. But she also knew that simply holding a seeminly casual and non-violent conversation with a daemon was dangerous, especially one affiliated with the vile god Slaanesh that was a master in manipulating sensations. [color=ec008c]"Oh, it's [b]her[/b]. What a cheap tramp. Don't tell me you're honestly going to give her your attemption!"[/color] The demonic voice from earlier flowed through Adrianne's mind when she looked at Lillith. [color=ec008c]"She's all fake, a pretender! Don't even,- "[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Shut up, demon!"[/color] Adrianne suddenly barked, shoving the voice out of her head. However, after a brief pause, she realized her outburst and how it had probably sounded as if it had been directed towards the daemon. She let out a cough, waving a hand towards Lillith. [color=bc8dbf]"Do go on... " [/color]Adrianne said in a casual tone, but whispered into her vox bead afterwards; so that the rest of Andromedai and Stukov could hear. [color=bc8dbf]"Keep the daemon distracted. The longer we can keep it here, the more time I'll have to divine its true location."[/color] Adrianne told the rest of her squad. [color=bc8dbf]"Guard your hearts, this creature will likely attempt to influence you."[/color] [color=ec008c]"What a devious ploy - I fully expect you to be able to overcome this one!"[/color] The voice returned in Adrianne's head, and she could feel a sense of approval from somewhere beyond the border between the materium. But she ignored it, instead focusing her attention on the image of the demon's; leaving the talking to the rest of the party. She couldn't ignore the extra attention she was receiving from the volupteous demoness before them. Being a psyker, she was had become somewhat used to it(not that it made it anymore comfortable). Focusing her mind, she began to reach outwards into the room with her thoughts, attempting to divine the trace of warp energies connecting the image to its sender. There was only so much she could do with the demon through an imagine. If she wanted to bind, subdue or banish the demon, she would have to find its 'real' being!