[h3][color=lightblue]The Highrise[/color][/h3] The wall [i]cracked[/i] and a deep fissure split the doorframe like firewood. While the roots twisted, the door groaned under strain and pressure. Cracks spidered across the moldy drywall, which shattered in broken chunks to the shifting floor at Rose's feet. With a lightning-strike [i]*POP!*[/i] a deep gash cracked the door in two. A shine of white light glimmered through the gap, then a little shining translucent ball-- no bigger than a lens flare --slipped out of the broken door and dove immediately into Rose's open bag. The left motor skate shimmered momentarily before the light was gone. "FOUL DEMONS! BACK!" cried Ruskali above. "I WIELD THE POWER OF TRUTH! YOU WILL NOT--" A sudden hush dropped into stillness. The roots had stopped moving. Like the abandoned set of a silent movie, the hallway and the broken doors seemed suspended in time. A held breath. [i]...tor meht hctaw dna yrd meht knird...[/i] The dry, dark whisper, like black cobwebs, hissed in Rose's ear. The Nox had attached itself to her back, and crept around her neck like the brush of a feather. [i]*ka-BOOOOM!*[/i] The ceiling of the far side of the hallway collapsed in a violent billowing cloud of violet smoke that smelled like burned flesh as it rolled and crashed toward Rose like a tidal wave, devouring the hallway and everything in it. [h3][color=lightblue]The Rooftops[/color][/h3] From Iris' vantage point, she could see almost all of Rig: the gargantuan roots twisting between clay buildings, treehouses dangling from great shaded branches, the spark and flare of bright flags and murals along the winding narrow streets below. A murmur of starlings swooped out of high branches and undulated in the sky to her left, so close she could hear the flutter of their quick wings. Beyond them, closer on the horizon across the water, a darker cloud shimmered ever closer... [i]*ka-BOOOOM!*[/i] Behind her, in the distance, a chorus of shrieks and screams accompanied a billowing plume of violet smoke that rose out of the crumbling highrise. Below, unaware they were being followed, the three orange-robed healers looked back over their shoulders to see the violet cloud rising against the sky. They said nothing, however, that could be overheard through the ring. The two motorbikes and the stretcher revved faster over the rooftops, headed straight for the hospital: a round glass building nestled among great twisted roots, shining in the sunlight. They hovered over the center of the honeycombed dome while a wide round doorway opened in the top, and they gently descended inside. [i][color=B6C6AB]*That's it.*[/color][/i] Fluke muttered in the receiver in Iris' ear. [i][color=B6C6AB]*Archer's dead, or something. I can't find any of you and I'm done trying. Maybe you're dead, too. Worst training exercise ever. I'm telling the council you all suck.*[/color][/i]