[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190906/8a749958ff29d7df1f3c9a10b0dd1758.png[/img][/center] [color=C0C0C0][i]I realize I am likely the youngest of the room, but must he continue to speak as if he is that much older?[/i][/color] Ben thought as he tasted the blood in his cup. Senility wasn't a trait vampires had but he was starting to believe that this was one of the oddest quirks that Count Sinnenodel had. This wasn't the first time he had made such a comparison either. A decade or two in years was hardly even a fuss for some, but Varis spoke as if they had centuries or more between them. For all intents and purposes age-wise they were on the same length. It shouldn't even come under his radar but Ben found it so bizarre he could not help but think on it for a moment. The only thing that matched was the barely concealed smirk but it was comforting to see the Sinnenodel act more in line to what Ben expected. There was nothing he spoke of that would come back to him in a way he wasn't able to justify; speaking in half truths was second nature but he had long since passed the days where loose lips would haunt him. There was the one-in-a-million chance he could have been speaking of archery, however the mere mention of physical activity often had Sinnenodels clutching at their pearls. He sincerely doubted the count took any offense, if there was any thought given to it at all, to that. Unfortunately the nuisance of the evening would remind Ben that he was there. How in the world Varis Sinnenodel had any patience for the attention-seeker was beyond him. Fortunately, Eris' words weren't foreign to him; finding out from a fellow colleague had been much more shocking than hearing it from the star. He was not surprised that the man would take the chance to take yet another dig at him. He would not, however, simply take this one standing. [color=C0C0C0]"Amusing, isn't it? As if such a thing could happen under Her Highness' vigilance,"[/color] Ben said. [color=C0C0C0]"I believe it's sourced from Miss Dionne accompanying Mr. Spellman when the sun is still hanging from the sky. Your concern is appreciated but unneeded. If you'd like to see a demonstration, I'd be more than happy to oblige."[/color]