[hr][hr] [center][h1][sub][i][color=#918ABB]Erin Chase[/color][/i][/sub][/h1] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://i.imgur.com/KNqgHZD.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Big House; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Dorian Underwood ([@King Kindred]), Greyson Davies ([@Moro]), Kyrin Nahng ([@Rodiak]), Adeline Vos (Vicier), and Spencer McNight ([@Zenritch]).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=54626f]"Erin."[/color] Her boots pounding over the ground; Erin couldn't breathe... It felt as though someone was choking her. A feeling she had all too much experience with, and her hand involuntarily lifted to her throat, almost desperate to make sure there was nothing restricting the flow of air. Her heart was racing- pounding hard, over and over again against her rib cage, and all she wanted to do was hide. To curl up in a ball... to just wait for someone who was going to save her; but that wasn't an option for her. It never had been. She was alone; always alone. There was no one really, even now, that she could rely on-... No. That was a lie. There were people she could rely on- people who had, and fuck knew how, managed to weasel their way into her life. Each creating cracks in her hard exterior only to then stake claim in her stone-cold heart. People who put up with her bad attitude- her bullshit. People who were able to look past all her downsides, and who were still willing to accept her in all her broken and fractured glory. It was fucking annoying; and yet, it still managed to astound her. She didn't want friends. She didn't think she needed them- and yet there they were. But that was just it... the root of the problem. They were there. Despite everything. And damn them all to the depths of Tartarus - one for the [i]second[/i] time in his lifespan - it was because of that fact that she couldn't bring herself to do it. That she would [i]never[/i] ask them for help... She'd rather die than put them in harms way. Hell... truth was... she'd rather die than leave the camp... Body coming into contact with something that was both hard and soft at the same time, Erin lifted her head. Her dark, damp gaze lifting to meet the eyes of the figure that she'd ran directly into without meaning it. Dorian. A choked sob forced its way up her throat, and once again she felt the tears she'd been shedding in Dionysus' office running down her cheeks. He was here. He was really here- she could touch him. Hands pressed against his chest, her fingers curled lightly over his top; Erin's lower lip trembled as she made to speak. The sound of anothers voice beating her to the preverbial punch, however, causing her to jump. Her eyes shutting for a moment; though rather quickly the realization of who the voice actually belonged to began to settle in her mind, and she turned her head to look up at the second figure to appear at her side in only mere seconds. Spencer... he was here too..? [color=662d91]"So, what did the Oracle tell you, Erin? Whatever it is, I'm in. No buts."[/color] [color=#918ABB]"..S-Spence-..."[/color] [color=54626f]"You have us."[/color] Flinching at the feeling of a hand laying, even as gently as it was, over her shoulder, Erin shirked away from it. From the three of them. Her dark gaze flicking back and forth between the (now) three figures. Kyrin... and over his shoulder-... Greyson..? Adeline..? Legs twitching, she fought the impulse to run. To whip herself around and once again begin the sprint back to the safety and comfort of her cabin. Back to the peace that came with that isolation. But she had a feeling, she wasn't going to get that anytime soon. Not now... and not for a while to come. Not until she either managed to get over her fears and prove her innocence, or until Ares showed her a small bit of mercy and let her die. Either option was unappealing. [color=54626f]"Do you want to go back to the cabin?"[/color] [color=#918ABB]"..I'm not doing this..."[/color] The words soft, tumbling from her lips before she could even really think on them, not that she was thinking along any other lines right now, Erin shook her head lightly. Her feet, unsteady underneath her, carrying her back step by step; the shaking of her head gradually became bigger. Her fingers curling over at her sides; the tips of her well-maintained and pointed nails digging lightly into her palms, [color=#918ABB]"..I-I'm not-..."[/color] Turning away from the group that had accumilated around her, Erin turned her attention back to the Big House. Her dark gaze trained on the window that looked into the attic space, [color=#918ABB]"Non lo sto facendo, cazzo..!? He can have me..!?"[/color] Breathing rapid, the oxygen flooding in and out of her lungs causing her chest to rise and fall heavily, she brought her attention back to those around her. The almost paralyzing fear behind her eyes more than evident; she lifted her hands up in defeat. Her steps growing in pace, carrying her further back from the lot of them as she made to continue her path towards her cabin, [color=#918ABB]"..I'm done... I want no part in [i]any[/i] of this... when time is up; Ares knows where he can find me. I'm not going anywhere..."[/color] Turning away from them completely, stumbling slightly as she did so, Erin's pace was slightly rushed as she made to head back to her cabin. [hr][hr] [hider=𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈] [color=#DAA20D][center][h3][sub][i]⦓ 𝐼𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓃 ⦔[/i][/sub][/h3][/center] Non lo sto facendo, cazzo: [indent][color=DCC077][i]I'm not fucking doing this.[/i][/color][/indent] [/color] [/hider]