[@FalloutJack][@Double]: So, there is information that I left out of my last post that you could use in your next post. The trip to Mars in this ship could take as little as two days, which gives the ship enough time to safely get up to speed and slow back down for a landing. BUT you could prolong the trip a little longer, at your leisure, if you want to get more out of the gravity training. The big bad will be making a pit stop on Mars on their way to Earth in about three weeks from our current point in the time line. So as long as your characters are on Mars before then, you should be fine. If I were you, I would spend up to two weeks training under gravity. That would still leave you with a week for the quest your on, before the big bads arrive. It might even be cool if you wrap up the [b][i]"Niko's Revenge"[/i][/b] quest, and just as you're about to celebrate or return to Earth, that's when the big bads show up to rain on your parade. [@Darkmoon Angel][@BladeSS4]: On my next post for you two, I'll time skip to the end of his story, which will end with a Dragon Ball GT mention, thus making that anime cannon to this RP (or at least a variation of it). Then, we'll be off to the islands where you'll actually be training.