[center][color=ABAB84][b][u][h2]Bronwyn Knowles[/h2][/u][img]https://i.imgur.com/iAF52s7.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/51GbLMq.gif[/img] Daughter of Athena[/b][/color] [color=ABAB84][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/sup][/color] [color=ABAB84][b]Location:[/b][/color] Obstacle Tower - Lake [color=ABAB84][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Greyson, Octavia [@Vicier], Talon [@MarshiestMallow], Valeria [@Rodiak] [color=ABAB84][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/sup][/color][/center] As the campers were spoken to by Chiron and Dionysus, Brynn climbed her way down the obstacle tower till she had both feet on the ground. The brunette stood at the foot of the tower with her arms crossed as she listened to what was being said, her eyebrows narrowing at the bit about Erin being accused of stealing Aphrodite's dove. Tilting her head back, she stared up as if staring directly up at the gods, shaking her head. [color=ABAB84][i]'Do better,'[/i][/color] she thought as she rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to the campers around her, listening to what others were saying amongst themselves. Brynn caught Greyson's gaze just as he'd turned to walk off with Adeline Vos, the girl watching them till they disappeared from sight. It wasn't till Octavia had grabbed the daughter of Athena's shoulder that Brynn had realized she had been zoned out. Turning her gaze on her friend, she gave her a light smile as she passed her by, raising an eyebrow at the amount of blood all over her. Brynn checked her shoulder, saw nothing had been left behind but some dirt and looked back off at Octavia, sighing softly. She hoped she was okay. [i]Of course she was, who was she kidding?[/i] Seemed as though the commotion around Brynn started to kick up. Brynn didn't last long standing there before she was over listening to the gossip, walking off passed the large group of people huddled around the obstacle tower stands. Off a distance away, her dad's old dog [url=https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/yBAvhJ72952EMnB7kD7AAjW5jek=/450x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-515672176-5afdf872c5542e00367bd69f.jpg]Duke[/url] lay beneath a large tree soaking up the sun's rays. As soon as he saw Brynn approaching, his tail began to wag gently back and forth, the rest of his body unmoving. [color=ABAB84][b]"Getting some sun, boy?"[/b][/color] The girl bent down and pet Duke, rubbing his ear and the side of his head gently. [color=ABAB84][b]"Wanna head back to the cabin with me?"[/b][/color] As if in response, the dog let out a huff and looked up at her with his big brown eyes. Brynn's brow furrowed a moment before she realized what the dog was trying to tell her. [color=ABAB84][b]"Again, buddy?"[/b][/color] The Athena girl stepped around Duke and stood over him, reaching down to grab him up just under both his front legs while the dog groaned with the movement, pulling him up into a standing position. The golden then stretched and shook himself out, seeming just fine now that he was standing. Brynn laughed lightly, patting her thigh as she turned to walk off towards the cabins at a pace Duke could tolerate. Not having made it very far before Brynn and Duke were passing by the lake, she noticed Talon and Valeria throwing stones across the water. The girl chewed on her lip, thinking about the scene back at the obstacle tower.. if she wasn't the sole one who'd caused him to get the way he had, she had still been apart of it. Antagonizing him and Brandon the way she had. She may have just been playing around, but clearly Talon didn't seem to see it that way. She knew she should probably apologize. The Athena girl changed direction and headed straight for the two, hesitantly approaching a few feet behind Talon. She cleared her throat and rubbed her hand firmly against the back of her neck, a little nervous but knew it had to be done. She gave Valeria a friendly half-smile, turning her attention back to Talon. [color=ABAB84][b]"Hey, Talon.. uhm, back there... you know that I was just joking, right? I wasn't trying to be an asshole, or anything. Just friendly competition, you know?"[/b][/color] Brynn's lips pressed into a fine line, staring at the back of the boy's head.