[quote=@System] *Mumbles* Take a week for the couch to stop smelling like hate... [/quote] [quote=@DarkwolfX37] *A week later in our universe's time I come back, still older and now without any Dark Power in me* Success! Now I do have a warning for you, my new body, not this one, is very fragile. It's still not a human, it's what I was before, but it's much closer to a human's parameters than I used to be. It's got ninety-seven percent of my soul in it, so losing it is bad. It's also got three percent of Yami's, and while my consciousness is still in this body, I'm used to being in multiple places at once, and Yami can take over this one in my place while I focus on the new one. So there's the heads-up. And now, I present to you... *As the other me walks out I say* The closest thing to a natural form I have! [/quote] Hiya, Love.