Alright, apologies for the delay, but here's the fellow I'd like to submit. [hider=Alexei Argenti] [color=8dc73f]Alexei Argenti[/color] "Down and out, and out of luck We're spinning, but the needle's stuck Let's go have some fun before They go and put us in the ground" - Sinners, Barns Courtney [color=8dc73f]Full Name:[/color] Alexei Argenti [color=8dc73f]Nickname(s)/Title(s):[/color] Quicksilver [color=8dc73f]Age:[/color] 22 [color=8dc73f]Birthday:[/color] August 21st [color=8dc73f]Orientation:[/color] Pansexual [color=8dc73f]Gender:[/color] Male [color=8dc73f]Species/Race:[/color] Faunus - Raven [color=8dc73f]Species Description:[/color] Faunus are one of two intelligent races in Remnant, the world that Alexei hails from originally. Having an animalistic trait of some sort or another, in Alexei's case he has a pair of raven wings granting him the ability of limited flight. Faunus see varying levels of discrimination, leading some to conceal their faunus traits when necessary. Some also display non physical similarities with the animal they borrow a physical trait from, though this is far more of a case by case basis. [color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Visual Reference][img][/img][/hider] Standing at roughly 5'11", with gleaming silver eyes, Alexei prefers a rather flashy or at least showy outfit, often times letting his wings spread freely on his back, though begrudgingly can conceal them if need be. The long coat was originally his father's, as was the hat that goes with it, although both have been modified to fit the raven faunus and his unique needs for clothing. All lean muscle from getting into fights on the streets growing up, he has no shame in his looks and his general bearing usually gives this away. A word to the wise though, don't touch his hat, not if you want to stay on his good side. [color=8dc73f]Point of Origin:[/color] Shade Academy, Remnant (RWBY) [color=8dc73f]Personality:[/color] Chatty and disrespectful are two quick ways to describe the raven Faunus' typical day to day handling of himself. Always keeping himself relaxed and calm, Alexei isn't one for long, complex plans, preferring to just live in the moment and let the whims of fate carry him along. Fittingly, his mouth is usually running, chattering and commenting on the situation, his surroundings, his current companions, or just about nothing in particular. Of course, this hasn't endeared him with most people, considering he'll casually remark on missteps and failures he spots, even if it would be better to wait until later, and someone might be forgiven for mistaking his remarks as attempts at goading others to do better through some insulting remarks. Of course, none of this chatter is going to be about himself, he loves his secrets and will rarely share anything about himself unless completely necessary, and his definition of completely necessary being rather stringent indeed. Add in a nasty habit of casually lifting or otherwise 'acquiring' trinkets or other shiny objects that catch his eye and fancy, and he can an abrasive, though useful, friend to have. [color=8dc73f]Bio:[/color] Born in an impoverished part of a city, Alexei's father was a human Hunter while his mother was a Faunus nurse, working at a local clinic. While his father caught figurative flak from some people for marrying a Faunus, he shielded his wife and child from such things as best he could, though he made sure that Alexei was well aware of the stigma his race brought, according to some people. He was known as a trouble maker and scrapper in school, accused of picking fights with humans and generally being a pain in the ass for most of his teachers. Of course, defending himself and others from bullies wasn't a good excuse to kick the ever living shit out of someone, but his parents swore they would never punish him for standing up for others. His father even taught him how to defend himself in hand to hand, only amplifying the problem as he quickly outpaced any school yard bullies. He would eventually go on to attend a hunter's academy, though not the same that his father had, finding his place far more readily in Shade Academy instead of Atlas. He was right at home in the academy, spending his four years rather happily, before graduating and moving on to his duties proper as a Huntsman in the world of Remnant. [color=8dc73f]Likes:[/color] A: Drinking and relaxing. B: Collecting curiosities and trinkets of interest. C: Brawling/Scrapping [color=8dc73f]Dislikes[/color] A: Overly sugary foods. B: Racists. C: Uptight, inflexible outlooks. [color=8dc73f]Fighting Style:[/color] High speed assaults are the name of the game for Alexei. Closing the gap using the shotgun form of Mocking Bird, or outright ambushing them if he wasn't noticed, and then getting into the fight proper using the gladius and gauntlet melee form, he lives for overwhelming enemies in close range assaults. Capable of hit and run with his wings and the flight they provide, alongside his Semblance, he can overwhelm a target in sheer aggression or leave them reeling long enough to realize they never pinned down the one who attacked them. The farther away he is from a fight, the more increasingly useless he gets, lacking the means of seriously reaching out and grabbing someone outside of catching them or otherwise pinning them down thanks to allies or his own tricks. He has surprising staying power when not engaging in hit and run, solely thanks to the durability of his Aura, though once he's finally spent it takes more time to recover, leaving him vulnerable if a fight drags on for too long, meaning he does aim to finish them fast and hard even if he can slug it out for awhile. [color=8dc73f]Skills:[/color] As a Huntsman, Alexei has honed and trained to fight monsters known as Grimm, as well as handling more mundane problems and troubles when they arise. As a fighter, he is used to dealing with creatures that have no intent but to kill him and those he is protecting. As such, he is a natural for fighting asymmetrical fights, almost always outnumbered, utilizing what he has learned and awakened during his training. He's also a good team player, able to fill in gaps that are missing in a team when possible, be it hanging back a bit and taking potshots, getting stuck in to give allies breathing space, or otherwise act appropriately. Beyond combat, he's good at tracking and chasing both human, faunus, and Grimm, either from the air or on the ground as well, plus he's learned some basic first aid from his mother while his old man taught him some nasty, underhanded tricks in a brawl. [color=8dc73f]Powers:[/color] [hider=Aura]The manifestation of the soul, Hunters employ this physical manifestation for a variety of purposes, and Alexei is no exception in the matter. Most commonly it is used to protect and shield the user, allowing them to take blows from Grimm or others that would incapacitate or outright kill, while there are other, less obvious benefits to the utilization of one's Aura. In Alexei's case, he utilizes it as primarily a defensive force, though he also makes good use of it as a means of protecting against hazardous weather, such as snowstorms, as well as a form of 'gut instinct', getting a sense when being watched without prior knowledge of the watcher, as an example. Aura can be depleted, and as it grows weaker, it begins to 'flicker' and eventually can even break, a silver sheen in Alexei's case indicating the hunter is now without their usual protections. Aura recovers over time when not in use, and while Alexei's is slower to recover, it is also slower to drain.[/hider] [hider=Semblance: Hall of Mirrors] Semblances are a unique manifestation of an individual's power or self, and provide some sort of unique power, ability, or other such means of manipulating how a Hunter approaches combat or a fight. While powerful additions to a Hunter's bag of tricks, prolonged or heavy overuse of one's Semblance can be extraordinarily taxing, and must be used carefully so that it doesn't leave their user about to collapse from exhaustion. As for Alexei, he refers to his as the "Hall of Mirrors", which is hardly the most serious name, but he likes it all the same. Alexei appears to shatter into a number of shimmering, crystalline appearing clones when he chooses to engage his Semblance, sometimes in response to a direct blow to further throw off assailants. One is actually Alexei, the rest fakes made up of his Aura, making it impossible to detect the real through analyzing his Aura. Each duplicate can fight and project his voice, though remain unstable, so a sufficiently powerful blow causing the fakes to shatter explosively, peppering the unwary with glass like shrapnel, and acting as a one off armor esq effect should the real Alexei be struck, though it lacks the risk of damage to the assailant, it can render the attack far more impotent. The duplicates cannot normally be detonated at will, but can be dismissed and fade into nothing, allowing the Aura used to create them to be used as normal. The more duplicates he creates, the more it taxes his Aura, and too many could leave him without his normal protection when finally discovered. [/hider] [hider=Dust] Not unique to Alexei, many Hunters choose to augment their weapons and, when possible, Semblance with Dust. There are a large, varying amounts of Dust, capable of creating a large and varied amount of effects depending on the specifics, though Alexei himself only carries a basic array of Dust crystals and powders, giving him a flexible set of alterations to his weapon and Semblance when the need arises. He only has a limited supply, and who knows when he'll get another chance to replenish them, so has to use them sparingly. They are, as follows: -Fire: When loaded into his weapon, Mocking Bird, it allows the blade to be coated in flame while the shotgun blasts are more akin to sprays of intense flames. When used to alter his Semblance, each crystalline duplicate seems to shimmer like a heat mirage, making it more difficult to land direct, destructive blows and adding a searing effect to the crystal shards, potentially cauterizing the very wounds they make. Obviously of little use against fire resistant foes, and the lingering damage after detonation is lost due to the cauterization effect. -Electricity: When used to enhance Mocking Bird, each strike of the blade can stun and paralyze muscles, while the shotgun form loses the buckshot, instead causing a chaining effect from the first target to others close to the target. When augmenting his Semblance, arcs of lightning bounce from clone to clone, creating an environmental hazard between each clone that can stun and electrocute enemies, though the charge in each clone makes it hard to maintain them, slowing their movements down and rendering weapons harder to use by the non Alexei clones, making picking out which is him easier for those who know what to look for. -Ice: Light blue in appearance, application to Mocking Bird leaves a frigid wake in the blade's path, slowing and deterring attacks while reinforcing the gauntlet that is paired with the blade in melee form. The shotgun blasts, while losing damage potential, can slow or outright freeze targets in place, though larger foes require more Dust, and sufficiently heated enemies can outright ignore the Ice dust. When applied to the Semblance, the clones become reinforced, able to trade blows and fight for longer before detonating. However, rather than explode, they simply shatter and melt, lacking the energy to detonate when infused with Ice. [/hider] [color=8dc73f]Equipment:[/color] [hider=Mocking Bird] Alexei's personally built and maintained weapon of choice as a Huntsman, like all weapons utilized by hunters, this one is capable of maintaining several forms. In its compact/travel form, it is effectively a rectangle that can be hanged from either his hip or shoulder, depending on where he wants it at the time, and in this form is completely useless for combat. Which, given its meant to carry this way, is not really a concern. From this form he can immediately shift into either the ranged or melee forms, depending on what he needs at the time. The ranged form is a lever action shotgun, sporting an unusually designed bayonet and thicker than normal frame, it is heavy and very much an unsubtle weapon. Loud, and with a lot of kick, there's no concealing when he fires it, and without using Dust, he can either fire buckshot or slugs, though seems to prefer buckshot to the point of forgetting the slugs are an option. While the bayonet is an option in melee, he's much better off either creating distance and resuming firing, or shifting into the melee form. The melee form splits the bayonet from the shotgun, expanding the weapon into a full sized gladius. The rest of the shotgun unpacks and forms a gauntlet around Alexei's left hand, acting as equal parts defensive parrying tool and offensive punching tool. In this state it cannot be fired, as the internals are currently lining the inside of the gauntlet to protect them while its used as a gauntlet, but is a far more effective melee weapon, well suited to highly aggressive assaults. [/hider] [color=8dc73f]Other:[/color] He has a modest collection of gems that are part of his collection, usually looking to add to it whenever he can. He can also sing rather well, though he wouldn't admit it even if caught singing. [center][color=39b54a]Courage[/color][/center] [/hider]